- Penicillium uticale 展开青霉
- Smoking is one of the problems in the dynamictherape utic setting. 吸烟是精神分析治疗中的一个设置问题,可能会对治疗产生一系列影响。
- Penicillin: Antibiotic derived from the Penicillium mold. 青霉素(盘尼西林): 由青霉属霉菌衍生而来的抗生素。
- All toxigenic moulds belonged to Penicillium and Aspergillus. 生成霉菌毒素的霉菌都属于青酶和曲霉。
- The modified medium inhibited Penicillium and Aspergillus growth. 在该培养基上青霉菌和曲霉菌的生长受到明显抑制。
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae was immobilized by Penicillium. 酿酒酵母被青霉菌固定。
- Purification and Characterization of Chitosanase from Penicillium sp. 青霉菌产壳聚糖酶的分离纯化及性质研究。
- Title: Purification and Characterization of Chitosanase from Penicillium sp. 关键词:壳聚糖;壳聚糖酶;青霉菌;纯化;性质
- Among the mildew, the number of penicillium are dominant absolutely. 秋冬季微生物数量较高,夏季数量较低;
- Brain shape c hanges is related to GCS,but it may not affect prognosis because of its therape utic reverse to some extent. 脑变形的影像改变尽管与意识状况密切相关,但由于有一定的治疗可干预性,故不一定影响预后。
- Conclusions The chemotherape utic cycle and blood counts are the two most important factors for infection due to catheterization. 结论经多因素分析化疗周期和血象是影响化疗病人中心静脉导管感染的重要因素。
- Objective To sum up clinical experience of severe hea d injury complicated by thoracic or abdominal injury in order to improve therape utic effect and reduce death rate. 目的总结重型颅脑损伤合并胸、腹伤的救治与护理经验,提高治疗效果,降低死亡率。
- Ascomycetes of interest to humans include truffles yeasts and Penicillium species. 对人类有利的子囊菌包括块菌,酵母和产青霉素菌。
- The growth of Penicillium in crackes will bring musty odor and bitterness in liquor, which causes serious damage on liquor production. 裂缝中滋生的青霉会对酿酒生产产生危害,给白酒带来霉苦味。
- Through orthogonal experiment,the optimal conditions were given for producing extracellular BFA of Penicillium. 通过正交设计试验,优化了青霉(Penicillium)属真菌SHZK-15产胞外布雷菲德菌素(B refeld in-A,简称BFA)的液体发酵条件。
- Further testing revealed that the mold, Penicillium, killed most varieties of bacteria. 进一步的测试表明,这种霉菌,即青霉菌,杀灭了大部分的细菌。
- The effect of Penicillium oxalicum P8 with peanut was more significant than that with corn or canola. 接种青霉菌P8在一定程度上能缓解和改善低温对作物生长和磷素吸收的不良影响。
- Aim:To research mutagenicity of the extracts from preponderant fungi(Penicillium digitatum) in mildewed oranges. 目的:为了研究分离获得的引发桔子霉烂的优势真菌指状青霉提取物的致突变作用。
- Using Penicillium notatum 9606 as starting strain,mutagenized with UV,a mutant HW2203 overproducing GOD was obtained. 采用紫外线诱变方法,对点青霉9606菌株进行诱变处理,获得了高产葡萄糖氧化酶菌株HW2203。
- The morphological change of Penicillium chysogenum during the penicillin fermentation cycle was studied. 结合青霉素发酵过程,考察了产黄青霉形态与剪切环境的关系;