- Penicillin O Sodium 青霉素 O 钠[青霉素类抗生素]
- sodium penicillin O 青霉素O钠
- OK, I'll have some shots of penicillin. 好吧,我愿意打几针青霉素。
- He gave me a second shot of penicillin. 他又给我打了一针青霉素。
- The nurse injected penicillin into her arm. 护士给她的胳膊注射了青霉素。
- I should have asked him for a shot of penicillin. 我应当让他给我打一针青霉素。
- Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock. 这酒馆的打烊时间是十一点。
- We've got the OK from the council at last. 我们终於获得了委员会的同意。
- Sodium and water react (together). 钠和水能起反应。
- Allergic children; highly allergic to penicillin. 过敏的儿童; 对青霉素高度过敏
- Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. 食盐是钠和氯的化合物。
- The child's mouth formed a big O in surprise. 那孩子惊奇得张著嘴像个大O字。
- These compounds have structural similarities to penicillin. 这些化合物结构上与盘尼西林相似。
- I have an allergy to penicillin. 我对青霉素有过敏反应。
- Ok may I have your last name and first initial, please? 好的。请您告诉我贵姓及大名的头一个字母。
- They wrote off for a fresh supply of penicillin. 他们发信要求再供应一批青霉素。
- The crude sodium carbonate ash obtained from these plants. 苏打灰从这些植物中获得的粗碳酸钠灰
- Only when everything is ok will the patent be registered. 只有一切都顺利,才能登记专利。
- An injection of penicillin costs about2 yuan. 打一针青霉素约花两块钱。
- Have you finished lunch already? It's only12 o' clock! 你已经吃过午饭了吗?现在才12点。