- Large type construction plant design of Pengshui hydropower station 彭水水电站大型施工工厂设计
- underground powerhouse of Pengshui Hydropower Station 彭水水电站地下厂房
- General design of navigation structure of Pengshui hydropower station 彭水水电站通航建筑物总体设计
- Application of long and vertical closed out of phase busbar in Pengshui hydropower station 彭水水电站长垂直离相封闭母线的应用
- Impact of discharge flow of Pengshui hydropower station on the downstream navigation and countermeasures 彭水电站下泄水流对下游航运的影响及对策
- Three dimensional cartoon simulation of type form panel construction process of Pengshui hydropower station 彭水电站定型模板施工过程三维动画仿真
- Pengshui Hydropower Station 彭水水电站
- Influence of Jinping I Hydropower Station on Us? 锦屏一级电站将带给我们什么?
- Dongfeng hydropower station is open ski spillway. 东风水电站溢洪道为明流滑雪式溢洪道。
- Myanmar Yeywa hydropower station. 缅甸耶涯水电站
- They are going to dam up the river to set up a hydropower station. 他们准备拦江筑坝建水电站。
- Hydropower Station Bridge Crane is a crane with a type. 水电站用桥式起重机是起重机的一种类型。
- Yinzidu hydropower station began ponding in April,2003. 引子渡水电站于2003年4月下闸蓄水。
- They have got out a scheme to build a hydropower station in the hills. 他们已作出计划,准备在山里建造一座水电站。
- Well do I remember the day when the hydropower station was put into operation. 我清清楚楚地记得水电站开始发电的那一天。
- Ertan hydropower station is the first power station built on Yalong River. 摘要二滩水电站是雅砻江梯级开发的第一个水电站。
- Therefore, we support the construction of the Sancha hydropower station. 会议中没有出现反对该项目建设的意见。
- This paper presents the turbine model acceptance test and the test results of Feilaixia hydropower station. 简要介绍了飞来峡水电站水轮机的模型验收试验的情况及结果。
- Economic operation of hydropower station is very important for electric power system. 摘要水电站经济调度是电力系统调度的重要环节。
- Practice proved that the option on electromechanical equipment for Letan hydropower station was rational. 实践证明,乐滩水电站机电设备的选型是合理的。