- Peng Li expressed welcome at the periodic visit of Viera. 李鹏对韦奇立再次来访表示欢迎。
- Peng Li said China was the most populous developing country in the world. 李鹏说,中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家。
- Premier Peng Li invited premier Zumegloph to visit China at his convenience. 李鹏总理邀请朱马古洛夫总理在方便的时候访华。
- Premier Peng Li and Kirghizian President Akayev attended the signing ceremony. 李鹏总理和吉尔吉斯总统阿卡耶夫出席了签字仪式。
- Peng Li pointed out, the Macao issue was an important component of the relationship between China and Portugal. 李鹏指出,澳门问题是中葡双边关系中的一个重要组成部分。
- Zumegloph also made a presentation to Peng Li about Kirghizia's economic situation. 朱马古洛夫还向李鹏介绍了吉尔吉斯经济形势。
- Peng Li confirmed that in the past year the national civil service system implementation achieved results. 李鹏肯定了一年来国家公务员制度推行工作取得的成效。
- Peng Li hoped that the Kirghizian news media would relay greetings from the Chinese people to the Kirghizian people. 李鹏希望吉尔吉斯新闻媒介转达中国人民对吉尔吉斯人民的问候。
- Peng Li said the population problem was one of the major problems currently faced by the international community. 李鹏说,人口问题是当今国际社会面临的重大问题。
- Premier Peng Li delivered a written speech to welcome the International Population and Development Congress. 李鹏总理为迎接国际人口与发展大会发表书面讲话。
- Premier Peng Li first conveyed the warm greetings of President Zemin Jiang to President Akayev. 李鹏总理首先转达了江泽民主席对阿卡耶夫总统的亲切问候。
- Akayev requested that Peng Li convey his greetings to President Zemin Jiang and invite him to visit Kyrgyzstan. 阿卡耶夫请李鹏转达他对江泽民主席的问候和访问吉尔吉斯的邀请。
- President Akayev expressed his agreement on Premier Peng Li's idea of building a new silk road. 阿卡耶夫总统对李鹏总理提出的建设新的丝绸之路的设想表示赞同。
- President Akayev firstly expressed a warm welcome Premier Peng Li visiting the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. 阿卡耶夫总统首先对李鹏总理访问吉尔吉斯共和国表示热烈欢迎。
- State Council Premier Peng Li, who is on an overseas visit, sent a congratulatory letter to the meeting. 正在国外访问的国务院总理李鹏给大会发来了贺信。
- Corner have enough electrical outlets, to ensure that PENG Li, Zhao Sili two candidates of the use of electric beds. 墙角有足够的电源插座,能保证彭丽、赵思莉两名考生的电动病床使用。
- Peng Li said that the economic difficulties Kirghizia faced with during the reform were temporary, and that only after through diligence could it be completely overcome. 李鹏说,吉尔吉斯在改革中面临的经济困难是暂时的,只要经过努力是完全能克服的。
- He expressed that, this visit by Premier Peng Li would promote the peace, security and stability of the Central Asian region. 他表示,李鹏总理的这次访问将促进中亚地区的和平、安全与稳定。
- Peng Li also said, "This time there are a number of entrepreneurs who have come with me to visit, and both sides can enhance contact. 李鹏还说,“这次随我来访的有一批企业家,双方可以加强接触。
- Peng Li said that China and Kyrgyzstan should strengthen co-operative relations in such fields as economy, trade, science, technology, culture, etc. 李鹏说,中吉两国应加强经贸、科技、文化等领域中的合作关系。