- He had a spinal injury in that accident. 他在那次事故中脊柱受了伤。
- Pediatric spinal injury 儿童
- The significance of measurement of vertebral canal volume for spinal injury. 脊柱创伤椎管容积测量的意义。
- Diagnosis and treatment of cervical spinal injury without fracture-dislocation. 无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤的诊治现状。
- Contrast the value of X-ray, SCT and MR in diagnosis of spinal injury. X线平片、SCT及Mill检查结果比较。
- Methods: We made rat models that were suffered from spinal injury and had marked muscular hypertonia. 方法:制备大鼠脊髓损伤后肌张力增高模型。
- Objective:To evaluate the X-ray finding of spinal injury in earthquake diaster in Wenchuan. 目的:研究本次地震中椎体损伤所占比例及椎体损伤类型。
- A woman labeled for medical transport with a severe spinal injury lays in a tent outside a make-shift trauma facility Muzaffarabad. 一个贴着等待医疗运输标签的妇女躺在一个帐篷里。
- Methods:Using psychotherapy,functional training and physical therapy to heal 30 cases of paraplegia after spinal injury. 方法:对30例脊髓损伤后截瘫病人采用心理治疗、功能训练、物理治疗等综合康复治疗。
- Elevate head of bed to high Fowler's position, at least 30 degrees, or place in reverse Trendelenburg if spinal injury present. 抬高床头至高弗氏位(至少30度),如有椎骨损伤,则病人处反向特伦伯氏位。
- One monoclonal antibody is in development for potential use in the regeneration of corticospinal tract fibers resulting from an acute spinal injury. 一种在研的单克隆抗体作为潜在的用于急性脊髓损伤的皮质脊髓束纤维再生的药物。
- According to methods of Allen's spinal injury, a 600gcm-strike power was put on the intraocular portion of the optic nerve and created a striking injury on optic nerve. 方法 :参照allen脊髓损伤法 ,造成视神经眶尖段间接 6 0 0gcm力冲击、挤压伤。
- Everett was injured Sunday on a tackle and suffered a severe spinal injury, but doctors say he has voluntary movement in his arms and legs, and that s a good sign. 艾弗瑞特于上周日比赛中阻截对方时脊椎受重伤,但医生说好在他四肢还能够随意运动。
- The authors reported their nursing cooperation i n endotracheal intubation assisted with fiberbronchoscope in the treatment of58pa tients with cervical spinal injury. 笔者报道对58例颈椎损伤清醒患者,在纤维支气管镜引导下作气管插管麻醉的护理配合。
- In any situation where you suspect a possible head or spinal injury, if the life of the casualty is not under immediate threat, seek the help of specialists. 在任何场合,当你怀疑可能存在头部或脊柱伤害,而如果伤员的生命没有立即受到威胁,去寻求专家的帮助。
- Don't use non-rigid stretchers for casualties with suspected head or spinal injuries. 不要用非刚性的担架运送疑似头部或脊椎受伤的伤员。
- Since his accident Reeves has become a forceful public figure in advocating stem cell research for spinal injuries. 自从他那场意外,李维成为了强而有力的作为提倡脊髓受伤的干细胞研究的公共形象。
- His questions are shared by thousands of young men each year who suffer paralyzing spinal injuries. 每年有上千的年轻男性遭遇他同样问题,他们遭遇了瘫痪性的脊椎损伤。
- The Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research Australia- a patient advocacy group whose members include Julia Lavery, who suffered a spinal injury in a car accident- has long campaigned for relaxation of the laws. 澳洲医学研究发展联盟是一个替患者说话的团体,成员包括一名在车祸中脊柱受损的患者居里%23226;拉弗里,这个团体长期以来一直为放宽这些法律而奔忙。
- Cerebral palsy and Fibrosis of gluteals muscle represented 88% and 2.8% respectively, the rest 5.4% included spinal injury, myopathy, congenital deformity, congenital hip dislocation, amputation etc. 在所有病人中,一侧下肢肌肉麻痹最多,共有2;303例(32.;9%25)、两侧下肢肌肉麻痹者2;024例(28