- Peasantry increasing income 农民增收
- The shopkeeper feels happy at the increasing income. 对于日益增多的收益,店老板乐开了花。
- Another non-nefarious cause of increasing income disparity may be our ever-higher immigration rates. 造成收入差距加大的另一个不可指责的原因或许是攀升的移民率。
- In order to travel abroad at the end of the year, they have made a plan for increasing income while cutting expenses. 为了年底能够出国旅游,他们制定了增收节支计划。
- The animal husbandry has become the effective method and the important way of the agriculture increasing effect and peasants increasing income. 畜牧业已成为农业增效、农民增收的有效手段和重要途径。
- We can't ignore the work of recycling waste, because increasing income is equally as important as decreasing expenditure. 我们不能忽视收旧利废工作,开源与节流要并重。
- In terms of expanding employment 、 activating marked increasing income 、 stabilizing society and rationalizing national economic structure , SMEs play an irreplaceable function. 中小企业在扩大就业、活跃市场、增加收入、社会稳定以及形成合理的国民经济结构方面起着难以替代的作用。
- To increase income and strengthen administer are tasks which brooks no delay. 加大甘肃省改水降氟工程投入和管理力度刻不容缓
- In recent days, the business has been prosperous and increased income. 这一段生意比较好,来项自然也多些。
- New Huadouji shares 5 subsidiary below round banner, because,this means Tang Jun " turn meeting " and increasing income is returned at present imponderable, its meeting twice grows. 新华都集团旗下共有5家子公司,这意味着唐骏因为“转会”而增加的收入现在还无法计算,它会成倍增长。
- By analyzing the factors which led to the consumption demands of chinese countryside inhabitant insufficient,this article pointed that the low-level and slowly increasing income was the key reason. 通过对影响我国农村居民消费需求不足的原因分析,认为我国农村居民收入水平偏低且增长缓慢是导致需求不足的关键因素。
- As the report says starkly: “Women are usually the last to benefit from increasing income [but] they are usually the first to make sacrifices when the financial situation deteriorates. 就像联合国营养常设委员会的报告很明确指出的那样:“妇女往往是收入上涨最后的受益人但却往往是经济环境恶化时首先要做出牺牲的人。
- Medium and Small scale enterprise (MSSE) has been playing a very vital role in making job, turning market brisk, increasing income, social stability and forming a proper national economic structure. 中小企业在扩大就业、活跃市场、增加收入、社会稳定以及形成合理的国民经济结构方面起着难以替代的作用。
- Inflation tax Increased income tax paid as wages rise with inflation but tax thresholds remain constant. 通货膨胀税在工资随通货膨胀上涨而提高但税收的起征点不变的情况下所增付的所得税。
- The third part is the substantial evidence analysis that our country fanner increase income. 然后,在这一基础上,分析了制约农民收入增长的主要制约因素和增收的主要途径。
- Conclusions To increase income and strengthen administer are tasks which brooks no delay. 结论加大甘肃省改水降氟工程投入和管理力度刻不容缓。
- Only ovine industry, can make entire county farmer year increase income 200 yuan. 仅羊产业一项,就可使全县农民年增收入200元。
- Technical assistance is geared to helping people help themselves--to increasing incomes. 技术援助要与帮助人民自力更生增加收入相结合。
- The peasantry has shrunk from 75 million to 65 million. 农民总数从七千五百万减少到六千五百万。
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。