- Shall we sit at a table or at the counter? 我们要找张桌子坐还是就坐在柜台边呢?
- Do you wish to sit at a table on the terrace? 你想坐在阳台上的桌旁吗?
- Would you prefer to sit at a table or at the bar? 您喜欢坐餐桌还是吧台?
- You want to sit at a table or at the bar? 你想要一张桌子还是靠吧台坐?
- They were sitting at a table in the open air. 他们坐在户外的一张桌子边。
- Would you like to sit at a table or at the bar? 您是坐在餐桌旁还是酒吧柜台旁?
- Would you prefer to sit at a table or at the counter? 你们喜欢坐餐桌还是坐柜台旁边?
- Peasant Sitting at a Table 坐在桌旁的农民
- The witches were found to sit at a table with the black man. 巫婆被发现兴魔鬼同坐在一桌。
- Lucy was sitting at a table with the child on her lap. 露西正坐在桌旁,把孩子抱在膝上。
- A history teacher and his wife were sitting at a table. 一位历史老师和他的妻子一块儿坐在餐桌前。
- Would you prefer to sit at a table of at the counter? 你们喜欢坐餐桌还是坐柜台?
- She was sitting at a table in the recreation room with her relatives round her. 她坐在娱乐室的一张桌子边,她的亲戚们围着她坐着。
- Sit at a table downstairs and use the Internet or sit outside on the balcony. 在楼下找一张桌子坐下,畅游因特网,或者在露天阳台里找个位子。
- When he came into the canteen she was sitting at a table well out from the wall, and was quite alone. 走进食堂,她正独自个儿坐在一张桌子前,离墙挺远挺远。
- Danglars and Caderousse sat at a table under a tree. 丹哥拉和卡弟洛在一棵树下沿着桌边而坐。
- I went in and found the major sitting at a table in the bare room with maps and typed sheets of paper on the wall. 我走进去,发现少校坐在一张桌子上,房间孓然无物,墙上挂着地图和打字机打出来的文告。
- Davoust was sitting at a table at the end of the room, his spectacles on his nose. 达乌坐在房间的尽头,俯身靠着桌子,鼻梁上架一付眼镜。
- From the old Norse myth people got the idea that 13 people sitting at a table to have a dinner was unlucky. 从挪威神话中,人们产生一种想法:13个人坐在一起聚餐是不吉利的。
- Suddenly I noticed that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, as if he knew me. 突然我留意到一名坐在一张靠近窗户的桌子边的男子一直朝我这边看,好像他认识我一样。