- Pearl Rever Delta region 珠江三角洲
- It also took account of development trends in South China, especially in the Pearl River Delta Region. 这项检讨的一个特点,是它兼顾了华南地区,特别是珠江三角洲的发展趋势。
- It also took account of development trends in south China,especially in the Pearl River delta region. 这项检讨的一个特点,是它兼顾了华南地区,特别是珠江三角洲的发展趋势。
- The cargo will be used to supply new and existing customers via GDLNG's trunkline in the Pearl River Delta region. 该船现货将通过大鹏公司的干线,供给珠三角地区新老客户。
- The competition from container ports in Pearl River Delta region also drew members concern. 委员又关注到,珠江三角洲地区内的货柜码头带来的竞争。
- This study of the Pearl River Delta region in the early Bronze Age culture has a vital significance andValue. 这对研究珠江三角洲地区的早期青铜器文化有着极为重要的意义和价值。
- The Guangzhou branch is targeted to be the hub of JP Morgan's business expansion into the Pearl River Delta region. 广州分行将成为摩根大通在珠三角地区进行业务扩展的枢纽。
- Shenzhen Cheng Feng Webbing Co., Ltd. is the Pearl River Delta region's largest multi-professional ribbon manufacturer. 深圳市成丰织带有限公司是珠三角地区最大的专业综合型织带厂家。
- People in the aviation industry have pointed out that civil flight paths and airspace are insufficient in the Pearl River Delta Region. 有航空业人士指出,珠江三角洲地区内的民航航道和空域不足。
- There is no consideration set up branch offices in Xiamen, as our company is now a major operation to the Pearl River Delta region and South-East Asia. 回复:目前没有考虑過在厦门开设分公司,因为我们公司现在主要的经营地区为珠三角和东南亚。
- Rapid convergence of population and increase in standards of living result in huge urban domestic water consumption in Pearl River Delta region. 人口的急剧集聚以及生活水平的快速提高,导致珠江三角洲地区的城市生活用水量非常大。
- So far we have set up plenty of outdoor billboards in the big or medium-sized cities in the Pearl River Delta region, including Macao. 我们在澳门,珠江三角洲地区等多个大中城市拥有多块户外看板。
- We intend to unlock the market in Zhujiang Delta region. 我们打算在珠三角开拓市场。
- John "Pappy" LeBlanc was a fixture in the delta region. 绰号“糊”的约翰-勒布朗是这个三角洲流域的一台商业机器;
- This has a more specific downstream focus and aims to provide a reliable analytical tool for devising solutions to control water pollution in the Pearl River Delta region. 这个水质模型主要针对下游流域,要旨是为双方提供一套可靠的分析工具,辅助我们构思珠三角区域水污染管理方案。
- Company to rely on the Pearl River Delta region, is rich in resources and air passenger and cargo-class hardware and software, is any one airline to fly to China a good choice. 公司以珠江三角洲区域为依托,有着丰富的航空客货资源以及一流的硬件和软件,是任何一家航空公司飞往中国的良好选择。
- The industrialization and urbanization of the Pearl River Delta Region is closely linked to the socio-economic, cultural and historical development of Hong Kong. 珠江三角洲的工业化和都市化与香港的社会、经济、文化和历史发展关系密切。
- HTL's headquarter locates in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, the heart area of Great Pearl River Delta Region, with easy access to Hong Kong, Macao and Guangzhou. 华天隆总部位于珠海市,毗邻香港、澳门、广州,是珠三角地区的中心地带。
- Mississippi River in Baton Rouge City, has begun to enter Delta region. 密西西比河在巴吞鲁日城下,开始进入三角洲地区。