- Peach Offered by Gold Monkey 金猴献桃
- Cash discounts are usually offered by sellers to encourage early cash payment. 销售者为鼓励顾客早日付款,常对在一定时间内付清货款的顾客给予现金折扣优惠。
- Free samples are offered By this factory. 本厂提供免费货样。
- The same terms are offered by other sellers. 其他卖主的出价相同。
- The entertainment offered by a theater. 节目剧院提供的节目
- Have you read this book by gold? 你读过戈尔丁写的这本书吗?
- But I read free magazines offered by the Web site. 不过我看的是网站的免费刊物。
- Gold ink by gold powder and gold isomerizate. 金不朱由金粉和调金油调不合而不败。
- It rejected the one offered by Calhoun. 有关1840年的大选,我们下周再讲。
- This town was originally settled by gold prospectors. 此镇原为探金矿者安身之处。
- Red fox racoon dog sees small gold monkey jumps so well, urgent procurable the centre of the palm perspired. 红狐狸看到小金猴跳得这么好,急得手掌心都出汗了。
- The specifications offered by you do not meet our requirements. 贵方所报价格不符合我方要求。
- High salaries offered by this company were dangled before us. 这家公司的高薪聘请对我们颇有诱惑力。
- Treasury bills issued by the US Government are backed by gold. 美国政府发行的国库券由黄金作后盾。
- Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance. 公司给予的额外待遇包括一辆汽车和免费健康保险。
- Others favor the diet foods offered by the South Beach Diet. 他人提供的食品饮食青睐南滩饮食。
- Enjoy the member service offered by the China Art Net, Sincerely. 并享受中华艺术网提供的会员服务,特颁此证。
- So I write to apply for the position offered by your company. 所以我写信来申请你们公司的空缺职位。
- BA students can take any course offered by MUIC as a free elective. 国际工商管理学自由选修课程。
- He has not read the book by Golding,but she has. 他没有读过戈尔丁写的这本书,但她读过了。