- Application of Bag Deduster at Back End of PC Kiln PC窑窑尾袋除尘器的应用
- Application of lean coal in small scale PC kiln 贫瘦煤在小型预分解窑的应用
- Application of shot-casting refractory for PC kiln 耐火材料喷涂技术在预分解窑系统的应用
- Treatment of ring formation in a PC kiln 预分解窑结圈的处理
- Two cases about how to treat rear ring in small-scale PC kiln 小型预分解窑后结圈处理两例
- Experience of production of A grade oil well cement by PC kiln 新型干法窑生产A级油井水泥的体会
- Experience of cement production of PC kiln in high altitude localities 高海拔地区新型干法水泥生产几点体会
- Heat balance and energy saving study of No.3 PC kiln of Wulan CEMENT 乌兰3号预分解窑的热工标定与节能分析
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。
- Application of low volatile coal used in PC kilns 低挥发分煤在新型干法窑生产中的应用
- They are charring wood in a kiln. 他们正在窑内将木头烧成木炭。
- I thought porcelain kiln must be very big. 我还以为烧瓷的窑炉都很大呢。
- By-pass System of PC Kiln 预分解窑旁路放风
- It steamrollers for us to own and use PC's. 对我们来说,拥有并使用个人微机已成不可阻挡之势。
- That morning we fired our first kiln of charcoal . 那天上午,我们烧了我们的第一窑木炭。
- The bricks are left in the kiln to bake. 砖坯放在窑里烧。
- The PC has great flexibility but a high cost. PC机的灵活性好但价格高。
- What is the non-official kiln then. 那么民窑呢?
- No one is predicting the death of the PC. 没有人在预测PC机的死亡。
- At one time in a dragon kiln this size? 一次可以烧制出多少件瓷器呢?