- The Technology and Equiment of Hot Dip Plating Pb Sn Alloy on a Double Wall Brazed Tube 双层卷焊钢管热浸镀铅锡合金工艺与设备
- The Experimental results show that gravity segregation of Pb Sn Sb ternary alloys can be obviously improved and grains structurecan be refined by RMF. 实验结果表明:旋转磁场不仅能显著改善合金的比重偏析,还能细化晶粒,提高性能,是很有发展潜力的铸造新工艺。
- Tin whiskers, growing spontaneously from Sn and Sn alloy coatings, can cause electrical shorts in the circuit and present a long-term reliability problem to the electronic industry. 锡须,一种自发从锡和锡合金层生长出来的现象,它会导致电路短路,影响电子产品长期的可靠性。
- SEM morphologies of wearing surface showed that wear behaviour of new Al Sn Si alloys is mainly metallic wear, and that of Al Sn alloy consists of metallic and fatigue wear. 磨损面的SEM分析表明:新型铝锡硅合金的磨损行为主要是磨粒磨损,而不含硅的Al?20Sn两相合金则为磨粒磨损及疲劳磨损。
- In addition, the effect of thermal treated temperature on hardness and coercive force of cobalt-boron alloy deposit was studied. 另外,研究了热处理温度对镀层硬度和矫顽力的影响。
- The effect of change in Indium content on the anti-ageing, weldability, and surface roughness of tin-lead-indium alloy deposit was discussed. 本文提出锡-铅-铟合金电镀工艺,探讨了铟含量的变化对锡-铅-铟合金镀层抗老化性、可焊性和光洁度的影响。
- Determination of molybdenum in both Ni-Mo alloy deposit and plating solution using DTPA as chelating agent was described with high accurate results. 介绍了以DTPA为螯合剂,采用螯合滴定法测定镍钼合金镀层和镀液中的钼含量。结果表明,该方法准确度高,具有实用价值。
- The large undercooling nature of Sn alloys has been held responsible for the discrepancies among these experiments. 锡合金的低冷却的特性是导致这些试验有误差的原因。
- The process for preparing electrodeposited diamond tools by using nanocrystalline Ni-Co alloy deposit as a new matrix material and the features are presented. 介绍了采用纳米镍-钴镀层作为新型胎体材料,制备电镀金刚石工具的方法及其特点。
- Developing Status of Solderable Sn Alloy Plating 电镀可焊性锡合金工艺的发展现状
- The microstructure and mechanical properties of minor Sn alloying lead-free and free-cutting Al-Mg-Si alloy rod with different treatments were investigated using mechanical property test,XRD analysis,SEM and TEM. 采用力学性能测试、X射线衍射物相分析、扫描电子显微分析、透射电镜分析和金相实验方法研究了不同处理态Sn微合金化的无铅易切削Al-Mg-Si合金棒材的显微组织与性能。
- Results show that cobalt-boron alloy deposit is amorphous at room temperature, which transfers to crystalline after thermal treated, hardness and coercive force of the alloy deposit are maximum after thermal treated at400℃. 钴硼合金在镀态下为非晶态结构,经热处理后,镀层向晶态转变,在400℃,硬度和矫顽力达最大。
- The effects of the process parameters on the composition and microstructure of bulk nanocrystalline Co Ni alloy deposit prepared by jet electrodeposition are studied with SEM, EDS and XRD. 利用扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)、能谱仪 (EDS)及X射线衍射 (XRD)等分析方法研究了工艺参数对电解液喷射电沉积法制备块体纳米晶Co Ni合金沉积层成分及结构的影响。
- Pb - Sn alloy 铅锡合金
- He deposited the case in the left luggage office. 他把箱子放在行李寄存处。
- Low chromium white chromating for zinc-nickel alloy deposits with different nickel contents was studied. 研究了不同镍含量的锌镍合金镀层低铬白钝化工艺。
- Electroless Ni-P alloy deposits have been widely adopted in industries for their excellent properties. 由于具有优良的性能,化学镀镍磷合金在工业上得到了广泛应用。
- According to the historical materials,the famous Gejiu Sn deposit was first exploited for Ag(Pb) Zn ore at Yindongkuang of Laochang orefield in 1290. 著名的个旧锡矿,据史料在元廿七年(1290年),率先在老厂矿区银铜矿开始采银(铅)锌矿。
- Electroless Ni-Cu-P ternary alloy deposits are prepared by addition of cupric sulfate and complex in eletroless Ni-P alloy plating bath. 为提高钕铁硼表面镀层的耐蚀性,使其具有更高的经济附加值,采用在化学镀镍磷合金液中添加适量的铜离子及其复合络合剂,制得镍铜磷三元合金。
- He deposited 5,000 dollars in the bank. 他在银行存了五千元。