- Military Pay and Allowance Committee 军饷和津贴委员会
- Air Reserve Pay and Allowance System 空军后备役薪饷与补贴制度
- Fail to pay and they'll cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他们就要断电。
- The table relates sheathing thickness, nail size and spacing, sheathing grade and allowable unit shear to enable determination of an appropriate construction configuration. 表中涉及覆板厚度,钉的大小和间距,覆板等级和允许单位剪切,来确定适当的施工构造。
- Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky. 在内胎上涂抹胶水并让它发粘。
- Costs related to the employment of staff other than pay and allowances e. G. Pensions, staff housing. 即除薪金及津贴外,与聘用职员有关的支出,如退休金及职员房屋福利。
- The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net pay. 公司工资单上一部分是原工资,一部分是实发工资。
- We need to upgrade the pay and status of doctor. 我们需要提高医生的工资和地位。
- We must stiffen them all up and allow no weakness. 我们一定要使他们都坚强起来,不允许有丝毫软弱。
- Stop beefing about pay and do some work! 别对工资问题发牢骚了,干点活儿吧!
- Cabin crews plan a walkout over pay and sick leave. 全部机组乘务人员计划了一项针对薪资的罢工并集体请病假。
- Pay and promotion are often by seniority. 教师的薪金和晋升也是论资排辈。
- Make the pullover a little longer, and allow for. 把这件套衫做长一些,以备缩水。
- You cannot stand by and allow such a thing. 你不能袖手旁观,听任发生这样的事。
- Richard gets one dollar for regular pay and a dollar and a half for time and a half. 理查德固定工资为每小时一美元,加班费为每小时一个半美元。
- The chemical must then be salted out and allowed to dry. 之后,这化学药品必须加盐分离,晾干。
- Restart the software and allow it to update itself. 重新启动该软件,并允许他自我更新。
- Fail to pay and they will cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他们就要断电。
- We cannot stand by and allow such a thing. 对这样的事我们不能袖手旁观。
- So you get fines to pay and you've lost your herbs. 这下你不仅失去了大麻,还得支付罚金。