- Patrizio Oliva 奥利瓦
- Watson Wine Celler, Oliva Surper Market, etc. 可以找到; 但品种不多.;很难比较价钱
- Oliva is the key man in the midfield and the striker. 奥利瓦是中场核心和射手。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Oliva - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Oliva 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- S-pulse attack,Oliva scores with very long curling shot which goes over the keeper's head. 脉冲队进攻,奥利瓦一记远距离弧圈球越过守门员头顶得分。
- Para preparar el gazpacho necesitas tomates, piientos, pepino, cebolla, ajo, pan, acite de oliva, vinagre y sal. 做冷汤你需要西红柿、辣椒、黄瓜、洋葱、大蒜、面包、橄榄油、醋和盐。
- Thes pictures were designed and developed by Mr. Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of The University of Glasgow. 这是格拉斯哥大学的菲利普先生和奥利维先生设计的奇异图片。
- These pictures were designed and developed by Mr. Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of The University of Glasgow. 这是格拉斯哥大学的菲利普先生和奥利维先生设计的奇异图片。
- Oliva, P. F. (1984), Supervision for Today's Schools (2nd ed.), New York: Longman Inc.. 邱锦昌(1991);教育视导之理论与实际;高雄:五南图书公司。.
- One of the stars for Shimizu was Argentine midfielder Oliva,whose 15th minute strike put the home fans in a good mood. 清水队的明星之一是阿根廷中锋奥利瓦,他在15分钟的时候一钯劲射,使得主场球迷开心不已。
- Agricola Boschi - Propone la propria produzione di vini Franciacorta, grappe ed olio di oliva con informazioni sulle caratteristiche dei prodotti. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Nick Oliva Gradually withdraw military forces from Iraq over the next year regardless of the country's political climate. 什么应是美国对伊拉克的政策?纽约时报 Withdraw military forces from Iraq immediately.
- But the Basque side were plunged into chaos on Thursday when outspoken club president Dimitry Piterman sacked coach Juan Carlos Oliva after just a month at the helm. 皇家贝蒂斯队此前已经在联赛中连输了两场,急需拿分保级。
- One day, Noah released a white pigeon, and later the white pigeon flied back holding an oliva branch in mouth. Seeing that, people realized that the flood had receded. 一天,诺亚放飞了一只白鸽,后来白鸽衔着一个橄榄枝飞回来了,人们看到橄榄枝后,就知道洪水已退去了。
- Al fine di ampliare e rafforzare la Minqing agricoli, il Centro svolge i lavori del commercio estero, la Minqing Sambo "polvere secca" e "cattivi alimenti" e "oliva" per vendere di tutto il mondo. 为了做大做强闽清农业,本中心开展对外贸易工作,把闽清三宝“粉干”、“糟菜”、“橄榄”售往世界各地。
- textes par Achille Bonito Oliva. 作者声明: Marco De Michelis ;
- prefazione, Achille Bonito Oliva. 作者声明: Tommaso Trini ;
- "It's the death of a charismatic figure but it does not change Fiat's strategy,"said Patrizio Pazzaglia after Agnelli's death."His death will speed up a process of moving towards a sale of the auto unit which started before." “这是一个极具性格魅力的人物的去世,但它没有改变菲亚特的战略,”帕特里齐奥·帕扎利亚在阿涅利逝世后说,“他的逝世会加快已经启动了的汽车零部件销售的进程。”
- Patrizio 帕特里齐奥
- "It' s the death of a charismatic figure but it does not change Fiat's strategy,"said Patrizio Pazzaglia after Agnelli's death. "His death will speed up a process of moving towards a sale of the auto unit which started before." "这是一个极具性格魅力的人物的去世,但它没有改变菲亚特的战略,"帕特里齐奥·帕扎利亚在阿涅利逝世后说,"他的逝世会加快已经启动了的汽车零部件销售的进程。