- Signal Pathway of Migration of Smooth Muscle Cells in Myosin Light Chain Without Phosphorylaion 平滑肌细胞迁移的肌球蛋白轻链非磷酸化途径
- Keywords pathway of migration;three dimensional model;shape of sealing surface;focus pathway;favorable region; 运移路径;三维运聚模型;封盖面形态;汇聚路径;有利聚集区;
- They are in the pathway of everyone. 这些难题就横亘在每一个人的人生道路上。
- Take it and dwell on the pathway of LIGHT. 拿着它而详述光的道路。
- Dark is the pathway of LIFE that ye travel. 黑暗是生命也旅行的道路。
- Patterns of migration will certainly change. 迁移模式必将改变。
- A new pattern of migration has quietly emerged. 一种新型移民格局已悄然形成。
- The reaction pathway of catalytic ozonation is analyzed. 分析了催化臭氧化过程的反应途径。
- Pathway of migration 运移通道
- Another pathway of organophosphate degradation involves reduction. 有机磷酸盐降解的其它途径还包括还原作用。
- A possible pathway of aniline degradation by O3 is given. 提出了O3降解苯胺的可能途径。
- The act or an instance of migrating. 迁移,移居迁移的行为或实例
- The rate of migration varies with molecular size and shape. 泳动速度随分子大小和形状而改变。
- The pathway of DDT degradation in soil has not been fully ascertained. 在土壤中滴滴涕降解的途径还没有充分调查。
- Unconformity transports oil or gas through porosity of basal conglomerates and weathering-off-load fractures, and it is the main transporting pathway of oil or gas lateral migration through strata. 不整合面主要通过底砾岩孔隙和半风化岩石的风化卸载裂缝系统输导油气,沿不整合面运移是油气侧向穿层运移的主要输导通道。
- Laws of migration of the groundwater flow in the Anba ore block are defined. 借助计算机技术对矿区地下水等水头线进行了模拟,确定了区内地下水流的运移规律。
- Now unto thee, give I my magic. Take it and dwell on the pathway of LIGHT. 现在就向你,我真的给予我的魔法。拿着它而详述光的道路。
- For many elements, the most substantial pathway of loss is in streamflow. 对于许多元素来说,最重要的是丢失途径是在水流中。
- Reaction pathway of cyclohexanone over these catalysts was presented. 提出了环己酮在这类催化剂上双聚反应的机理。
- The metabolic pathway of alcohol in human body included ADH and MEOS. 酒精在人体内的主要代谢氧化路径有ADH和 MEOS代谢径路两种。