- Password of bank card 银行密码
- B: Peony Credit Card is a kind of bank card settled on RMB. 牡丹信用卡是以人民币结算的银行卡。
- Police officers arrived at the scene: "Chinese tourists accused of hampering the importation of bank card password, request them at a loss. 警察到场后:“指责中国游客弄坏了银行卡密码输入器,要求她们赔钱。
- I have also took part in the marketing of bank card and education VCD. 曾做过银联银行卡的推广,教育光盘的推广等。
- B: Peony Credit Card is a kind of bank card settled on RMB. It provides lots of functions including account transferring, cash saving& withdrawal and credit consuming, etc. 牡丹信用卡是以人民币结算的银行卡。它具有转账结算、取现金和信用消费等功能。
- The environment for accepting bank card, is the infrastructure of whole industry of bank card, and the key link in the whole transaction procedure of bank card, which includes Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) as an important part. 银行卡受理环境是整个银行卡产业的基础设施和银行卡交易流程中的关键环节,ATM自动柜员机是其重要的一部分。
- Assign the password of your choice to the new user. 分配你的选择的口令[字]给新的使用者。
- The paper introduces the structure and process of bank card and e-wallet firstly, then it analyses their respective applicable scope and offers some suggestions for the popularization of e-wallet. 文章介绍了银行卡与电子钱包的系统架构与工作流程,分析了两者各自的适用领域,在此基础上为电子钱包的推广提供了一定建议。
- Gets or sets the write password of a workbook. 获取或设置工作簿的写密码。
- Fan bargaining, the use of bank card credit card or debit card card through 95599 or prepaid purchase online banking placing margin, the final purchase and delivery transactions. 番讨价还价之后,利用农行金穗信用卡或金穗借记卡,通过95599在线银行下定单或预付购房保证金,最后购房交割和成交。
- The secret code of his bank card has been stolen. 他的银行卡密码被盗取了。
- The move is adopted due to the high frequency of the frauds arising from false application of bank cards for point-of-sale (POS) hedge. 银监会此举主要原因是,最近因虚假申领银行卡进行商户POS套现行为引发的欺诈风险事件频繁发生。
- Can others guess the password of my digital certificate? 他人可以猜中我电子核证证书的密码吗?
- Discussion on the Market Position of Bank Card 浅析银行卡市场定位
- The password of the user is required to use this option. 需要提供该用户的密码才可以使用此选项。
- Prepositive facility of bank card network 银行卡前置设备
- A Paradoxical Dispute of Bank Card 似是而非的储蓄卡纠纷
- There are a wad of bank notes in the bag. 包里有一叠钞票。
- Typically these groups engage in ID theft, carding( the illegal use of bank cards) and so-called Botnet armies where hundreds sometimes thousands of computers are taken over and used to infect other machines. 一般而言,这些集团从事窃取身份证号、布卡号卖淫(法使用银行卡)所谓的“僵尸网络”等活动,在僵尸网络中,几百部(时上千部)脑被操控并用来感染其它电脑。
- There is a wad of bank note in the bag. 包里有一叠钞票。