- It is easier to pass laws than to put them in force. 通过法律容易,实施法律难。
- It is easier to pass laws than to put them into force. 通过法律容易, 实施法律难。
- Group of people who come together to discuss political problem or to pass laws. 议会,一组人在一起讨论政治问题或通过法律。
- It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior. 是指通过这样的法律不难,还是指用这样的法律限制人们的行为。
- They wanted to pass laws to protect the burros and horses from hunters. 他们想通过法律来保护美洲驴和野马不被猎杀。
- Hundreds and thousands of Africans are thrown into gaol each year under pass laws. 由于《通行证法》,每年有成千上万的南非黑人被关进监狱。
- Congress can pass laws, but the President can veto them, and his veto can be overturned only by a super-majority. 国会可以通过法令,但总统可以否决,而总统的否决只有在国会参分之二多数决的情况下才能被推翻。
- Congress passes laws that must be obeyed by the people. 国会通过法律,人民必须遵守法律。
- He passed laws against slavery and kept the United States united. 他颁布法律反对奴隶制度,并使美国保持统一。
- The U.S. Congress has plenary power to pass laws regulating immigration and naturalization. 美国国会有依法调控移民迁入和国籍获取的所有权利。
- The GNP is there to win him seats in April's parliamentary election so he can pass laws. 大国家党计划在4月举行的议会选举中赢得多数席位,这样他就能通过其法案。
- It came at a time when southern states continued to pass laws segregating blacks and whites -- in schools, lunch counters and other public places. 通过该法案的时候南方诸州还在实施隔离法案,将白人和黑人在学校,便利店和其他公共场所隔开。
- In a democratic society we don't usually pass laws outlawing something before there is actual or probable evidence of harm. 在一个民主的社会中,我们通常不会在某个事物还没有确切的或可能的有危害的证据之前,就通过法律将它视为非法而加以废止。
- The court held that "to pass laws that arbitrarily burden interstate commerce, by forbidding shipments merely because they originate out of state, violates the Commerce Clause". 法院主张“通过如此任意地加重州际之间商业负担、仅仅是因为出自外州就禁止船队运进的法律,是违背贸易条款的”。
- It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds. 通过法律可以控制或者限制人们的行为,但是立法是无法改变人类本性的。法律无法改变人们的感情和思想。
- The Indians declared that this"Pass Law"was unfair. Some of them publicly burnt their permits and many of them were put in prison. 印度人宣称,这项“通行证法”是不公正的。有的人还当众烧掉了他们的通行证,许多人因此被捕入狱。
- To create or pass laws. 立法制定或通过法律
- Within a few years Congress, overturning a veto by President Woodrow Wilson, passed laws that sharply cut the inflow of migrants. 在数年间,国会推翻伍德罗威尔逊总统的否决,通过了大幅削减移民流入的法律。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- To protect the environment, the government has passed laws to prevent people from throwing rubbish everywhere. 为了保护我们的环境,政府已经通过了法律来阻止人们乱扔垃圾。