- Party constitution in campus 高校党组织
- The fundamental ones are embodied in the Party Constitution. 党章是最根本的党规党法。
- And should the constitution in fact be codified? 那么宪法应当实际编撰成典吗?
- Littering is forbidden in campus. 在校园里不准丢垃圾.
- The photo here is taken from a parterre in campus. 学校里逛了逛,还是在学9前花坛里发现了点好东东,很是意外。
- The original constitution in Ireland was framed in 1922. 爱尔兰最早的宪法起草于1922年。
- The Party Congress also adopted the new Party Constitution. 党的代表大会还通过了新党章。
- Spain approves its latest constitution in a referendum. 年,在一次全民投票中,西班牙批准通过了其最近的一部宪法。
- Shopping in Parknshop in campus is an entertainment, pathetically. 在校园内的百佳超市购物是一种娱乐,在情绪上。
- Party constitution, it is a broad and profound party history schoolbook. 党章,就是一部博大精深的党史教科书。
- The present plenary session has discussed the draft of the revised Party Constitution. 全会讨论了党章修改草案。
- This is a stipulation in the Party Constitution and should therefore be done conscientiously. 这是党章所规定的,要认真执行。
- In the foregoing I have made some necessary remarks about the draft Party Constitution proposed by the Central Committee. 我在上面,已经把中央委员会提出的党章草案,作了一些必要的说明。
- Those people that you met yesterday in campus are British. 你昨天在校园里遇到的那些人是英国人。
- The General Programme in our Party Constitution embodies the Party's basic political and organizational programme. 党章的总纲,是我们党的最基本的政治纲领和组织纲领。
- This is all I have to say regarding the basis on which the Party Constitution has been revised. 关于修改党章所根据的条件,我所要说的就是这一些。
- This task is brought out in both the General Programme and all relevant articles of the draft Party Constitution. 党章草案在总纲部分和有关的条文中,都提出了这个任务。
- The draft Party Constitution provides that Party members be truthful and honest with the Party and not conceal or distort the truth. 党章草案规定,党员必须对党忠诚老实,不隐瞒和歪曲事实真相。
- Friday agin, I know there are many Enlish corners in campus or parks. 今天周五,不少大学或者公园有英语角活动。
- Wanna know more about stories of Bak Kut Teh in campus? Stay tuned!! 想知道更多有关肉骨茶进入大学的故事,请记得守住这里哦。