- Let us rally closer round the Party Central Committee to win still greater victories. 让我们更紧密地团结在党中央的周围,去争取更大的胜利。
- The Party Central Committee believes this is a correct decision. 党中央认为这个决定是正确的。
- The Party Central Committee is leading us on the new long march. 党中央正在领导我们进行新的长征。
- Second,a good Party Central Committee with Comrade Mao Zedong as its leader. 第二,有好的党中央。这就是以毛泽东同志为首的党中央。
- Second, a good Party Central Committee with Comrade Mao Zedong as its leader. 第二,有好的党中央。这就是以毛泽东同志为首的党中央。
- Since then, Yenan became the seat of the Party Central Committee headed by ... 从此,延安就和伟大领袖毛主席的英名连系在一起,成为国内外革命人民衷心向往的革命圣地。
- The Sixth Plenary Session of the Fifteenth Party Central Committee adopted an important decision on strengthening and improving the Party's style of work. 党的十五届六中全会作出了加强和改进党的作风建设的重要决定。
- The Party Central Committee will study answers to this question at the meeting to be held this coming August. 怎么解答这个问题,中央准备在八月会议上研究一下。
- We maintain that no party central committee can be free from shortcomings and errors. 我们认为,没有缺点和错误的中央是没有的。
- Some comrades might argue: did the Party Central Committee not have shortcomings and errors,too? 有的同志可能会说,党中央不是也有缺点和错误吗?
- The most important thing for us now is to continue working to unify our thinking and unswervingly carry out the principles and policies formulated by the Party Central Committee. 现在最重要的是,进一步统一思想,坚定不移地贯彻执行中央确定的方针政策。
- Economic duty audit is a new task of the Audit Bereau granted by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. 摘要经济责任审计是党中央、国务院赋予审计机关的一项新任务。
- At a meeting of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee,I said that,on the whole,we had kept to the correct line in the past few years. 我在中央书记处开会的时候讲过,这几年,总的来说不是路线错误。
- General Secretary Jiang Zemin,on behalf of the 15th Party Central Committee,delivered a report,vowing to build a well-off society in an all-round way. 江泽民总书记代表第十五届中央委员会作报告,誓言要全面建设小康社会。
- We need to conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee's decision to make this year a year for improving the government work style. 要认真落实党中央关于把今年作为转变作风年的要求。
- When it comes to work which should be done nationwide,the Central Committee of the Youth League should consult with the Party Central Committee. 属于全国范围的,团中央同党中央商量。
- The Party Central Committee and the State Council taking a broad and long-term view, began to deploy the post-disaster reconstruction work while leading the fight against floods. 中共中央、国务院高瞻远瞩,在领导抗洪斗争的同时已经在考虑和部署灾后重建工作。
- In the organs of the Party Central Committee member of the Assembly elections, they were only a small number of votes, known as the Menshevik. 在大会选举党中央机关成员时,他们只获少数选票,被称为孟什维克。
- However, with Comintern " imperial envoy chancellery " is the Wang Ming of pose as how treat the Party Central Committee and Mao Zedong? 然而,以共产国际“钦差大臣”自居的王明又是如何对待党中央和毛泽东的呢?
- It is indicating with Li Li 3 be a delegate " left " bend adventurism mistake took regnant place in the Party Central Committee. 它标志着以李立三为代表的“左”倾冒险主义错误在党中央占了统治地位。