- Parts Control and Expediting 零件控制与急送
- A zone in the Web Parts control set is a composite control that contains other controls and is rendered as an HTML table. Web部件控件集内的区域是包含其他控件的复合控件,作为一个HTML表呈现。
- This demonstrates a common way to package controls and extra functionality you want in a user control, and then reference that control in a zone as a Web Parts control. 这演示了将所需控件和其他功能打包到用户控件中,然后在某个区域中将该控件作为Web部件控件引用的常用方式。
- The model plane got out of control and crashed. 模型飞机失控坠落下来。
- Displays Web Parts controls and UI elements in the normal mode in which end users view a page. 以最终用户查看网页的普通模式显示Web部件控件和用户界面元素。
- The car went out of control and crashed. 汽车失去控制,撞坏了。
- The plane went out of control and cracked up. 飞机失控坠毁。
- In Design mode, you can arrange the layout of the page by clicking in the header of the two Web Parts controls and dragging them into other zones. 在“设计”模式中,您可以通过单击两个Web部件控件的标头并将它们拖至其他区域来排列页面布局。
- Plant facility and building maintenance. Spare parts control. 设备工具的维修,备件的控制管理。
- The Part class defines properties that are common to all part controls and enable them to have a modular and consistent appearance on a Web page. Part类定义所有部件控件共有的属性,并使这些控件在网页上具有整齐划一的外观。
- The result indicates that, if we make use of the characteristics of red sandstones" collapsibility, we can control and expedite its collapse to improve work efficiency. 研究结果表明,在充分了解红砂岩的工程性质的情况下,利用红砂岩在增湿时软化、崩解的特性来控制红砂岩软化崩解的速度,可以提高施工效益;
- The car went out of control and ploughed into the side of a bus. 那汽车失控拦腰撞上了一辆公共汽车。
- The Ford went out of control and crashed over the cliff. 这辆福特牌小汽车失去了控制,从悬崖上坠毁。
- The bus went out of control and ran into a shop front. 那公共汽车失去控制,撞到了一家商店的门脸。
- The plane got out of control and crashed into the sea. 飞机失控,坠入大海。
- Gets or sets the title of a part control. 获取或设置部件控件的标题。
- They had been pressed into service as crowd controllers and expediters of the evacuation. 他们努力做大众撤离工作的维持者和指挥者。
- The driver lost control and the car careened down the hill. 因司机失控,那辆汽车就横冲直撞地冲下山去。
- The car goes out of control and plough into the side of a bus. 那汽车失控拦腰撞上了一辆公共汽车。
- A control part controls the storing part and the display part. 一控制部分控制该存储部分和该显示部分。