- Pardon is the glorious revenge. 宽恕乃光荣的报复。
- Pardon is the most glorious revenge. 宽恕是最伟大的报复。
- "Pardon is the most glorious revenge." “宽恕是最伟大的报复。”
- What is the glorious hall there? 那边那座华丽的大厅堂是什么?
- Such is the glorious messiness of English. 英语就是这样一个标准的大杂烩。
- Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen. 劳动是一切有劳动能力的公民的光荣职责。
- The sun is the glorious body that dominates the solar system. 太阳是一个统治着太阳系的壮观的物体。
- Such is the glorious messiness of the English language. 这就是英语这门语言的绚丽多彩的杂乱无章现象.
- As he is the first transgressor, he sees no hopes of pardon. 由於他是第一个犯法者,他看不到被豁免的希望。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- Facility of pardon is an incentive to crime. 轻易赦免罪过,实际是鼓励犯罪。
- Pardon me: where is the Garden Hotel? 打扰一下请问花园酒店在哪里?
- He is the prime mover in the whole matter. 他是整个事件的发起者。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- Edward is the big daddy of our golf club. 爱华德是我们高尔夫球俱乐部里的重要人手。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- The church supper is the grandfather of the country club. 教堂的晚餐聚会是乡间俱乐部的前身。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。