- The very word 'guarani' means 'warrior. “瓜拉尼”的意思就是“战士”。
- A young Paraguayan selling yo-yos in the market. 巴拉圭少年在桥头市集里兜售溜溜球。
- From the heart of America,this is the guarani spirit. 巴拉圭:来自美洲的心脏;就是瓜拉尼人的精神.
- From the heart of America, this is the guarani spirit. 巴拉圭:来自美洲的心脏,就是瓜拉尼人的精神。
- It has paved the way for the Paraguayan team marching to France. 为巴拉圭队进军法兰西铺平了道路。
- Jeff: The Paraguayan team taas made a great coup now. 杰夫:巴拉圭队这一下可算是一鸣惊人了。
- Jeff: The Paraguayan team has made a great coup now. 杰夫:巴拉圭队这一下可算是一鸣惊人了。
- Perhaps because of that, Paraguayan pride coarses fiercely through the veins. 也许正是因为如此,巴拉圭人的血液里流淌着强烈的自豪感。
- A city of northeast Argentina on the Paran River and the Paraguayan border. 波萨达斯阿根廷东北部一城市,位于普拉那河,靠近巴拉圭边界。
- Paraguayan defender Pedro Benitez is set to move to Europe to join Lazio. 巴拉圭的后卫帕多贝尼特斯即将加盟拉齐奥。
- Paraguayan national soccer team players wait in an elevator in Maturin, Venezuela, on July 6, 2007. 去年七月六日,巴拉圭国家足球队球员在委内瑞拉马土林的一部电梯中等待。
- The Paraguayan ambassador to Japan previously was concurrently ambassador to Taipei. 过去巴拉圭驻华大使系由驻日大使兼任。
- The allegations were made yesterday amidst a state visit by Paraguayan President Luis Angel Gonzalez Macchi. 昨天的申述--在巴拉圭总统的国家拜访之间。
- This is how the Paraguayan goalie explains his quick adaptation to Boca’s playing style and to Argentine soccer. 这位巴拉圭门将解释了他之所以能迅速适应博卡的风格乃至适应阿根廷足球风格的原因。
- She said politicians tended to start their speeches in Spanish, before slipping into Guarani when the sparks began to fly. 她说,政治家们演讲时一般由西班牙语开始,讲到尽性处,瓜拉尼语就进来了。
- Language: The official language is Spanish, but the majority of the population speak Guarani, an indigenous Indian Language. 语言:官方语言为西班牙语,但大部分居民讲民族语言瓜拉尼语。
- A visit to their refugee camp by the Paraguayan foreign minister lends heart to these arrivals from a foreign land. 南美巴拉圭的外长到难民营中参观,给这群异乡客打打气。
- This drink has formed an important part of the Guarani Indians' diet for centuries and they describe it as a drink for body and soul. 长期以来“瓜拉尼”印第安人就将马黛茶作为日常生活上的饮料。他们认为马黛茶能提供身体及灵魂所须的精力。
- The Paraguayan has joined the minnows just 48 hours after the two clubs played out a 1-1 draw in the championship. 仅仅在两队战平两天后,古兹曼就加盟了斯佩齐亚。
- An attacking Chile dominated most of the game, but the Paraguayan goals silenced the home crowd of more than 60,000. 虽然比赛大部分攻势来自于智利,但是巴拉圭的进球令拥有60000多的主场球迷的球场变得一片死静。