- Pappataci fever virus 白蛉热病毒, 沙蝇热病毒
- For example, the dengue fever virus takes about two weeks to incubate. 例如,登革热病毒在蚊子体内大约需要两个星期的培育孵化期。
- Several different species of the Aedes and Haemogogus (South America only) mosquitos transmit the yellow fever virus. 伊蚊和吸血蚊属(南美洲才有)几种种属不同的蚊子传播黄热病病毒,
- The main challenge is to insert the foreign protein into the yellow fever virus without disabling the vaccine. 最主要的挑战是如何将外来的蛋白质插入黄热病毒中,而不会破坏疫苗的效用。
- The recent research targets include baculovirus, SARS-CoV and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus. 目前研究对象有杆状病毒、SARS冠状病毒和克里米亚-刚果出血热病毒等。
- The yellow fever virus is constantly present in mosquitos and non-human primates in some tropical areas of Africa and the Americas. 黄热病病毒持续存在于非洲和美洲某些热带地区的蚊子和非人灵长类动物中。
- As of 27 December 2006, 32 cases and 19 deaths of Rift Valley Fever virus (Case Fatality Ratio 59.4%) have been reported in the flood-affected areas of Garissa district. 截止2006年12月27日;已报告在加里萨县水灾地区发生32例裂谷热病毒病例和19例死亡(病死率59.;4%25)。
- Now certain is that the Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa fever virus and Rift Valley fever virus has been excluded, not the cause of the causes of death. 现在可以确定是,埃博拉病毒、马尔堡病毒、拉沙热病毒以及裂谷热病毒已经被排除在外,不是导致死亡的原因。”
- A multiplex polymerase chain reaction was optimized to simultaneously detect classical swine fever virus(CSFV),porcine parvovirus virus(PPV) and porcine pseudorabies virus(PRV). 根据猪瘟病毒 ( CSFV)、猪细小病毒 ( PPV)和猪伪狂犬病病毒 ( PRV) 3种病原体的基因保守序列 ,分别设计了与CSFV的 E2基因、PPV的 VP2基因和 PRV的 g 基因序列互补的 3对引物。
- The results were all negative when used to detect other flavivirus including the yellow fever virus, dengue virus type 1, 2, 3 and 4, Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus. 作为对照的黄热病毒疫苗株17D、登革1~4型病毒、日本脑炎病毒、西尼罗病毒Chin-01株结果均为阴性,证明该体系具有良好的特异性。
- The glycoprotein EO of Classical swine fever virus(CSFV),besides being an envelope protein, possesses KNase activity,which is pertinent to viral persistent infection in the host. 猪瘟病毒(classical swine fever virus,CSFV)EO糖蛋白既是包膜蛋白,又是一种核酸酶,其活性对病毒在宿主体内的持续感染有直接关系。
- Classical swine fever (CSF), a list A disease of Office International des Epizooties, is caused by classical swine fever virus (CSFV) belonging to the Flaviviridae family. 摘要猪瘟是一种严重危害养猪业的毁灭性传染病。
- To clone and sequence of nucleoprotein (NP) gene of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) Chinese isolates (Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever virus, XHFV) BA88166 and to express it in bacteria for application to clinical diagnosis. 克隆并测定了克里米亚 刚果出血热病毒 (CCHFV)中国分离株 (新疆出血热病毒 ,XHFV)BA8816 6株核蛋白 (np)基因的序列并实现其在细菌中的高效表达与临床诊断的应用。
- As of 12 January 2007, 220 suspected cases, including 82 deaths of Rift Valley Fever virus (case-fatality ratio 37.2%) have been reported in North Eastern Province and Coast Province, Kenya. 截至2007年1月12日;在肯尼亚东北省和滨海省报告了裂谷热病毒220例;包括82例死亡(病死率37.;2%25)。
- Using polymerase chain reaction(PCR) technology to detect African swine fever virus (ASFV) targeted to the gene encoding ASFV structure protein VP73. Postive sample gave a 1 kb amplified DNA fragment. 选择编码非洲猪瘟病毒结构蛋白VP73的部分基因片段为模板,用PCR技术检测非洲猪瘟病毒DNA,电泳分离可见1条长约1kb的DNA扩增带。
- A synthetic peptide derived from the C terminal sequence of the open reading frame(ORF)j5R was recognized by antisera from pigs recovered from infection with different African swine fever virus(ASFV)strains. 根据非洲猪瘟病毒MalawiLIL20/1株j5R阅读框C端抗原决定簇序列制备的合成肽能被不同毒株感染康复猪的免疫血清识别。
- Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF) is a disabling febrile infection of cattle and water buffalo caused by bovine ephemeral fever virus, which is widespread in many countries and areas of Asia, Africa and Australia. 牛流行热(Bovine ephemeral fever,BEF)是由牛流行热病毒(Bovine ephemeral fever virus,BEFV)引起的牛和水牛的急性热性传染病。
- Bovine viral diarrhea virus/mucosal disease virus (BVDV/MDV) is the pathogeny of BVD/MD. It is in the same genus with Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) and Border Disease Virus (BDV). 牛病毒性腹泻/粘膜病病毒(Bovineviraldiarrheavirus/mucosaldiseasevirus;BVDV/MDV)是引起牛病毒性腹泻/粘膜病的病原;与猪瘟病毒(CSFV)、羊边界病病毒(BDV)同属.
- Keep away from that house. They have scarlet fever. 不要接近那一家,他们在患猩红热。
- Abstract Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus (CCHF) and Lassa virus are giving sources illness to humans.In addition to zoonotic transmission, CCHF and Lassa virus can spread from person to person. 自从爱滋病流行至今,爱滋便不断地与死亡、天谴、污秽,罪恶等意象流传于世,感染者普遍地受到污名化与歧视。