- 自动语言辩识(LID)Automatic Language Identification (LID)
- bushing lid (玻璃纤维)坩埚盖
- cut-off lid (内槽轮排种器的)阻种罩
- 整合子是一种遗传因素,编码一个位点特异重组酶(IntI)负责基因盒在 attI位点的插入,同时整合子也提供一个启动子(Pant)负责基因盒耐药基因的表达。The integron encodes a site-specific recombinase(IntI) responsible for the insertion of gene cassettes at attI, and also provides the promoter responsible for expression of the cassette-encoded genes.
- 该指针称为长值ID(LID),并且意味着记录有指向LID 256的指针。This pointer is called the long-value ID (LID) and means that the record has a pointer to LID 256.
- 目的 :观察左旋多巴 (L dopa)治疗对帕金森病 (PD )大鼠纹状体强啡肽原表达的影响 ,探讨L dopa诱发异动症 (LID)的机制。Objective: To observe the effect of chronic levodopa (L dopa) administration on striatal prodynorphin mRNA expression in a rat model of Parkinson disease (PD), and probe into the pathogenesis of L dopa induced dyskinesias (LID).
- 结论:LIMA阳性的肠化生病变与LIMA阳性的异型增生胃粘膜(LID)在细胞形态上有过渡关系,前者是更早的癌前病变,后者则更接近细胞癌变过程;It is considered that there is a relation between LIMA positive intestinal metaplasia and LIMA positive dysplasia. The former is an early event and the latter is more close to carcinogenesis.
- 运用CSMP语言的动态模拟模型LID对早籼早中熟组品种华矮837、竹系26和早籼中熟组品种中8349、广陆矮4号4个品种在南方稻区13个点的生育期和产量作了定量模拟。The potential productivity and growing duration of early indica varieties,viz. Huaai837,Zhuxi26 (early-medium duration group) and Zhong8349,Guangluai4(medium duration group) at 13 sites of rice growing regions in South China weresimulated quantitatively using LID simulation model in CSMP language.
- 为了充分利用语音信号中的段长信息,该文提出了一种具有一般拓扑结构的非齐次隐含Markov模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM),并将其应用于中、英文语种辨识(Language IDentification,LID)系统。In order to use duration information in Language IDentification (LID) efficiently, the inhomogeneous Hidden Markov Model (HMM) with general topological structure is proposed, and is used to identify the language between Mandarin and English also.