- Panhellenic Socialist Movement 泛希腊社会主义运动
- A European Jewish socialist movement founded in Russia in 1897. 1897年在俄国发起的欧洲犹太人社会主义运动。
- "Revolution" is the Finnish music documentary primarily focusing on the Finnish socialist movement in the 70s. 一部别出心裁的芬兰音乐纪录片,描述了70年代的社会主义运动。
- His theories, which owed much to the writings of Joseph Arthur, comte de Gobineau, influenced German nationalist thought, particularly Adolf Hitler's National Socialist movement. 他的理论很多来自戈宾诺的著作,对泛日耳曼和日耳曼民族主义思想起了很大影响,尤其对希特勒的民族社会主义运动的影响更大。
- Ingsoc, which grew out of the earlier Socialist movement and inherited its phraseology, has in fact carried out the main item in the Socialist programme;with the result, foreseen and intended beforehand, that economic inequality has been made permanent. 英社是从以前的社会主义运动中产生的,它袭用了以前社会主义运动的词汇,因此,它在事实上执行了社会主义纲领中的主要一个项目,其结果是把经济不平等永久化了,这可以预见到,也是事先有意如此。
- Kropotkin and those who agreed with him called themselves “anarchist-communists” (or “communist anarchists”), although they continued to regard themselves as a part of the broader socialist movement. 克鲁泡特金和那些赞成他观点的人自称是“无政府主义的共产主义者”(或者“共产主义的无政府主义者”),尽管他们继续把自己看作是广泛的社会主义运动的一部分。
- early Socialist movement in Japan 日本早期社会主义运动
- international socialist movement 国际共产主义运动
- Taking Scientific Attitude Towards Socialist Movement 正确把握社会主义发展的历史进程
- Re-establish the Space-time Outlook on World Socialist Movement 重新确立世界社会主义运动时空观
- They all support socialist policies. 他们都拥护社会主义的政策。
- A slow theme introduces the first movement. 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。
- The Socialist candidate was heckled continuously. 社会党候选人不断受到诘问。
- Do you have a bowel movement today? 你今天上过厕所吗?
- Strive to build China into a powerful socialist country! 为把中国建成社会主义强国而奋斗!
- They are making a furtive movement. 他们正做一项诡秘的行动。
- He wrote poems in praise of our great socialist motherland. 他写诗歌颂我们伟大的社会主义祖国。
- It's just a dog's reflex movement. 这正是狗的反射运动。
- Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice. 她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。
- Sound and movement make information come alive. 声音和活动画面使信息变得活灵活现。