- Pangrapta textilisn. 纱眉夜蛾
- A bananalike plant(Musa textilis) native to the Philippines and having broad leaves with long stalks. 麻蕉原产于菲律宾的一种类似香蕉的植物(蕉麻芭蕉属),其长茎上有宽阔的叶子
- Definition: Tabasheer is the dried massed of secretion in stem of Bambusa textilis McClure or Schizostachyum chinense Rendle (Fam.Gramineae). 本品为禾本科植物青皮竹 Bambusa textilis McClure 或华思劳竹 Schizostachyum chinense Rendle等杆内的分泌液干燥后的块状物。
- Bambusa textilis var. gracilis [slender weaver's bamboo] 崖洲竹
- Cultivation test on plantation of Bambusa textilis var. Tasca McClure 椽竹人工栽培试验
- Coir, Abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee), Ramie, and other vegetable textile fibers, processed but not spun; 1已加工但未纺制之椰壳纤维、麻蕉纤维(马尼拉麻或麻蕉纤维)、苎麻纤维及未列名之其他供纺织用植物纤维;
- Coir, Abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee), Ramie, and other vegetable textile fibers,raw; tow, noils and waste of coir,abaca (including yarn waste and garnetted stock 2生之椰壳纤维、麻蕉纤维(马尼拉麻或麻蕉纤维)、苎麻纤维及未列名之其他供纺织用植物纤维;此类纤维束、绒及废料(包括废纱及经拉松处理之回收纤维)
- Pangrapta pulverean. 紫褐眉夜蛾
- Pangrapta trilineatan. 三线眉夜蛾
- Pangrapta dentilineatan. 齿线眉夜蛾
- Pangrapta flavomaculan. 黄斑眉夜蛾
- Pangrapta mandarinan. 旗眉夜蛾
- Pangrapta trimantesalisn. 浓眉夜蛾
- Musa textilis 蕉麻; n.;蕉麻
- Pangrapta suaveolan. 隐眉夜蛾
- Pangrapta curtalisn. 中影眉夜蛾
- Bambusa textilisn. 青皮竹
- Desmansia textilis 褐色眼镜蛇
- Pangrapta disruptalisn. 暗影眉夜蛾
- Pangrapta ornatan. 饰眉夜蛾