- Pangda Dorje 邦达·多吉
- Sera Khandro was an incarnation of Chaka Dorje Tso. 色拉康卓是卡拉多杰楚的一个化身。
- The Dorje is in the attached file for all on my list to share. 此金刚杵以档案附呈以便我名单中所有的人得以分享。
- Yet he persecutes a Buddhist sect that worships a deity called Dorje Shugden. 但他自己却甘愿给热衷于羞辱中国的西方大国当走狗。
- In interviews, followers and lamas, including the Chens and Dorje, denied that they discuss politics. 在本篇采访中,信众和喇嘛们,包括陈家兄妹和多吉,都拒绝谈论政治。
- There are now three civil airports operational in the autonomous region, namely Gongkar airport in Lhasa, Mainling airport in Nyingchi, and Pangda airport in Qamdo. 目前,西藏自治区拥有三个民用机场,分别是拉萨贡嘎机场、林芝米林机场和昌都邦达机场。
- When Champa Dorje was finished, he accompanied Wen Xiang and Hu Shuo to the “Fragrant Nests among the Cloud Alleys”. 协巴多杰处理完毕,便陪著文祥与胡妁,一起到云衖香巢。
- So I told him that for Dorje and Bell to function, they need to be close to each other. 所以我跟他说,铃杵要产生功用,它们必需是彼此紧靠的。
- Occasionally, a dorje is decorated with carvings or inscribed runes along a face of the crystal. 灵杖的水晶表面常有雕刻或符文。
- Today, Zhake, the waitress in Zanglingren hostel, accompanied us to Dorje Temple nearby to worship Buddha. 今天康定藏羚人客栈的扎柯小妹带我们在隔壁的金刚寺(宁玛派寺院)拜了拜佛。
- The controversial Buddhist deity of Dorje Shugden lies at theheart of the conflict. 备受争议的佛教神多杰叔敦是冲突的核心。
- A typical dorje has an AC of 7, 7 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 18. 典型灵杖AC为7,生命值7,硬度8,破坏DC为18。
- The Bell and Dorje, or thunderbolt, are inseparable ritual objects in Tibetan Buddhism. They are always used in combination during religious ceremonies. 铃子和多吉,或者霹雳,是藏传佛教典礼必不可少的物品。它们总是在宗教典礼中结合使用。
- Champa Dorje was ready for this.He immediately activated the ion shield and the red light spattered into sparks when it struck the ion shield. 协巴多杰早有防备,马上启动电离罩,只见红光击处,火花四溅。
- His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, gave his first public teaching in the West, at New York’s Hammerstein Ballroom. 第十七世大宝法王噶玛巴在美国西岸、纽约的曼哈坦中心给予了第一场公开开示。
- H.E. Dharma King Ngagwang Pedma Namgyal Palzangpo stamps his dharma king seal onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. 阿旺班玛南加法王正在他写给三世多杰羌佛的祝贺信上盖法王印。
- H.E. Dharma King Renzeng Nima holds the recognition letter he wrote recognizing the identity of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. 仁增尼玛法王将他写好的认证三世多杰羌佛的认证书拿在手中照相。
- Danma's son Pema Oser and his nephew Dorje Osel are both monks, and both men are studies in the contradictions brought on by the new way of life. 丹玛的儿子佩玛奥瑟和侄子多列奥瑟尔都是僧人,他们在截然不同的新环境中学习。
- Changchup Dorje left troubled Tibet in order to make pilgrimage to India and Nepal, accompanied by the Situ, Shamar and Gyaltsap Rinpoches. 夏玛祖古听闻了这名不凡小孩的诞生,而他的诞生地正是噶玛巴预言信中所提及的地点,于是夏玛祖古派遣他的私人秘书组成一支队伍前往找寻这名小孩。
- H.H. Dharma King Jigme Dorje stamps his seal onto his congratulatory letter to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that he had already signed. 吉美多吉法王在给三世多杰羌佛的祝贺信上签字后,正在盖章。