- Paint Soft Body Weight Tool. 柔体权重绘画工具。
- An octopus has a soft body and eight arms. 章鱼有着柔软的身体和八支臂。
- Body weight and physical strength diminish rapidly. 体重和体力迅速下降。
- This depletion triggers a drop in body weight. 这个枯竭牵动体重下降。
- Decreases body fat and controls body weight. 燃烧脂肪,有助控制体重。
- Lifters are divided into body weight categories. 举重运动员是按体重划分级别的。
- Average body weight for Taiwan native goat (kg). 2台湾黑山羊平均体重(公斤)。
- Snail is a small plant-eating creature with a soft body. 蜗牛是一种软体草食动物。
- Average body weight for Nubian (kg). 1努比亚山羊平均体重(公斤)。
- Are lifters divided into body weight categories? 举重动运动员按体重分级吗?
- Enable Soft Body - This enables the softbody system on the selected object. 该选项在选定的物体上启用柔体系统。
- According to the falling body weight,shape and well structure,designed washover milling fishing tool. 根据下落物的重量、形状及井身结构,设计制作了套铣打捞器。
- The soft body of the African Snail has a muscular foot on which it creeps. 非洲蜗牛的身体柔软,靠强壮有力的腹足蠕动。
- Just as mine Ming-Lee's room was painted soft eggshell white. 正如如我的明- 李的房间是描画的软蛋壳白色的。
- Tigers can kill a buffalo weighing 4 times their own body weight. 老虎可以杀死4倍于自己体重的野牛。
- The body weight(BW),heart weight(HW) and HW/BW were measured. 测定大鼠体重(BW)、心脏重量(HW)和计算HW /BW;
- Her height was 181 cm, body weight 77kg, and bone age 11.1 years. 查体 :身高 181cm,体重 77kg,指间距 187cm。
- The typical features of Termites are grayish white, no wings, soft body with mouth and short feeler. 典型的白蚁特徵是灰白色、无翅、体柔软,有咀嚼式口器以及短触角。
- Age at 110 kg of body weight in boars and 90 kg in gilts. 公猪达110公斤重和女猪达90公斤重之日龄。
- Body weight and more like Abyssinian, a cat up to 5-7 kg. 体 重 体型似阿比西尼亚猫而较大,成猫可达5-7公斤。