- 对于她产业的合法继承权将有一场争论。There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate.
- 他已扩充他的产业。He has aggrandized his estate.
- 无继承人的产业a vacant estate
- 这一产业当时仍处于发展初期。The industry was still in its infancy.
- 这份产业被分成了很小的一份份遗产。The estate was sliced up into very small bequests.
- 继承一份产业accede to an estate
- 产业结构调整成效明显。Notable results were achieved in the readjustment of the industrial structure.
- 大力发展旅游业和文化产业。The tourism industry and cultural industries need to be greatly expanded.
- 推行清洁生产,发展环保产业。We will introduce clean production methods and develop the environmental protection industry.
- 使信息产业结构化to structurize the informational industrial
- 九、产业发展IX. Industrial Development
- 第二、三产业secondary and tertiary economic sectors
- 纺织工业是中国传统的支柱产业。The textile industry is a traditional pillar industry in China.
- 限定将产业遗赠某人to entail an estate on someone
- 寄生产业parasitic industry
- 产业竞争中取得优势的关键在于人。People are the key to finding a competitive edge in industry.
- 将一份产业判定给某人to limit an estate over to someone
- 生物、医药产业。Biological and Medical Industry.
- 公共产业communal property
- 到2008年,高新技术产业增加值在全市工业的比重超过40%。Up to 2008,the added value of the high and new technology industry will make up a 40%25 of the city's industrial output value.