- Pb concentration and distribution in main tree species on both sides of highway in suburbs of Nanjing City. 城郊公路两侧主要森林类型铅含量及分布规律。
- The 6 rural water earthnut of Nanjing city that combine a division, langouste overruns is a model is paradigmatic. 南京市六合区的农村水花生、龙虾泛滥成灾就是一个典型的例证。
- This article points out the disadvantage factors to embody the value of Nanjing city wall and gives a basic idea to remove the unfavourable factors. 本文提出了南京城墙保护的价值体现与城市同步发展的制约因素,以及克服这些不利因素的初步想法。
- Legend of the late Eastern Han, Wei Ling Jiang Zi, Mo (equivalent to official mayor of Nanjing City), Shuaibing to chase robbers at the foot of Zhongshan, who died heroically. 传说东汉末年,秣陵尉蒋子文(官职相当于南京市市长),率兵追逐强盗至钟山脚下,英勇战死。
- Objective To study the epidemic situation of typhoid fever in Jiangning District of Nanjing City from 1986 to 2005,and establish effective measures for prevention. 目的:探讨1986-2005年伤寒在江宁区的流行规律,制定有效的防治措施。
- The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。
- We will do our best to advance the ratio of basic tourism consumption and to rationalize the tourism consumption structure by gradually developing the entertainment and promoting the quality of tourism commodities of Nanjing City. 希望通过南京休闲娱乐业的逐渐发展完善和商品档次的提高,以促进基本旅游消费比重的增加,使旅游消费结构日趋合理。
- In the study, the GM (1, 1) model used to predict the land price in the central part of Nanjing city is constructed and the prediction of land price indices for the region is conducted. 在研究中,构建了可用于对南京市主城区地价水平进行预测分析的GM(1,1)模型,据此模型对南京市主城区的地价指数进行了预测。
- Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon? 咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题?
- Is the city of Nanjing beautiful? 南京城漂亮吗?
- The visiting politician's first port of call was the new factory. 那位政界人士到访,第一个地点是那座新工厂。
- Optimization of Sector Structure of Nanjing City 南京市产业结构优化分析
- For this steamer, Liverpool is not a port of call. 利物浦不是这条船的中途停靠口岸。
- You may choose Tianjin as port of shipment. 你可以选择天津作为交货港。
- Is the port of loading Shanghai? 装货港是上海港吗?
- Nanjing city was sacked by Japanese aggressors. 南京曾遭受过日本侵略者的洗劫。
- An Analysis on Unemployed Population of Nanjing City 南京市失业人口状况分析
- A guardship had just quitted the port of Toulon. 有一艘警备舰已从土伦港开出来。
- I'm afraid this is not your port of exit. 恐怕这里不是你的出境口岸。
- Highlights for Maintenance Work of Nanjing City Wall 南京城墙维修工程要点