- potentially lethal damage repair 潜在致死性损伤的修复
- repair of potentially lethal damage 潜在致死性损害的修复
- Pyometra is a potentially lethal uterine infection. 子宫蓄脓是一种可以致命的子宫感染。
- potentially lethal damage 潜在性致死损害, 潜在致死性损伤
- It was a potentially lethal mixture of drugs. 这种混合药物有很大的潜在危险。
- Defensive Roll (Ex): The rogue can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. 防御检定游荡者可以对致死的打击进行一次检定以减少她本应承受的伤害。
- Though seldom encountered, the bushmaster is potentially lethal. 虽然不常遇见,巨蝮却是带有致命毒液的危险动物。
- End the use of all potentially lethal weapons by the state on demonstrators. 停止使用所有可能致命武器的国家的示威者。
- Myxedema coma is rare but potentially lethal, the symptoms and signs are many and are often insidious. 黏液水肿很罕见但有可能致命,其临床症状常呈非特异性且多样化。
- Neuroleptics malignant syndrome is a rare, emergent and potentially lethal complication of antipsychotics therapy. 摘要抗精神病药物恶性症候群是一种因为使用抗精神病药物所引起的罕见、与具有潜在致命性急症。
- Extra hepatic portal hypertension (PHT) and intestinal infarction are potentially lethal complications of acute PVT. 肝外门脉高压和肠梗死是急性门静脉血栓形成(PVT)的潜在致死并发症。
- Even though an indestructible creature isn't destroyed by lethal damage, that definition is still used for things like assigning trample damage. 即使不会毁坏之生物不因致命伤害而被消灭,此定义依旧会用在其他方面,例如分配践踏伤害。
- Inferior vena cava tear is a rare but potentially lethal event associated with spinal surgery. 摘要脊椎手术中发生下腔静脉破裂是一个罕见但却致命的并发症。
- The flamingos spend hour after hour on the lake, eating and defecating; stuck in a potentially lethal cycle. 火鹤在湖面上无休无止地滤水进食,陷入一个潜在的恶性循环。
- Orders to capture or subdue enemies cause the topiary guardian to use nonlethal attacks; any other attack order causes the creature to deal lethal damage. 捕获或制服命令会使植园守卫造成瘀伤;任何其他攻击命令会使该生物造成正常伤害。
- If a creature with trample is attacking a planeswalker and is blocked, the attacker must assign lethal damage to each blocker, and may assign excess damage to the planeswalker. 如果一个进攻旅法师的生物有践踏,被阻挡了,则进攻者先分配致命伤害给每个阻挡生物,然后把剩下的伤害分配给旅法师。
- Intraoperative aortic dissection is one of the complications of aortic cannulation, which is potentially lethal with an incidence of about 0.16%. 摘要手术中的主动脉剥离在心脏手术是一种少见却致命的并发症。
- Potentially lethal complications include hemorrhage, infection, and air embolism, therefore surgical resection is usually performed. 可能的致死性并发症包括出血、感染和气体栓塞,因此需要手术切除。
- Deep neck infection is a common and potentially lethal disease.The mortality rate may be up to 40% when it is compli-cated with mediastinitis. 摘要深颈部感染是常见且可致死的疾病,尤其若并发纵隔腔炎时,即使给予抗生素治疗,其死亡率仍高达40%25以上。
- Chondrosarcoma of the skull base is a rare slow-growing tumor with a potentially lethal outcome due to compression of adjacent tissues. 摘要颅底软骨肉瘤是一种罕见肿瘤,特徵是生长速度缓慢且有可能因为压迫周边器官而致命。