- Methods:PCR,denatur ing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) atd DNA sequencing were used. 方法:采用多聚酶链反应(PCR),变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和DNA测序等方法对上海地区血友病甲基因突变进行检测。
- Results shown that the PCR product of bacterial nucleic acid, which was purified with modified CTAB method, obtained stablethe most bands in DGGE. 结果表明,改良CTAB法抽提获得细菌核酸的PCR产物在DGGE凝胶上获得的条带最多,结果稳定。
- What could you conclude from PCR/DGGE analysis of a simple that yielded one band by PCR and one band by DGGE?One band by PCR and for band by DGGE? 前者说明该条带具有固定的序列及片段大小相同,后者说明片段大小虽然相同,但序列还是存在差异。
- A method based on PCR was developed to amplify short tandem repeat(STR) in combination with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and silver dyeing. 应用聚合酶链反应扩增STR,经变性凝胶电泳,再用银染显色方法,分析苯丙氨酸羟化酶(PAH)基因内含子3中TCTA重复序列的多态性。
- After PCR anplification of total community DNA using a specific primer set,why is it usually necessary to eithercloneor run DGGE on the products before sequencing them? 相同的条带表示分子量相同但可能序列不同,需通过DGGE检测证明是一种DNA序列。
- The PCR detection of karnal bunt of wheat. 小麦印度腥黑穗病菌PCR检测。
- The size of the amplified PCR product was 822 bp. PCR扩增片段大小为822bp,最小检测量为1080个HPs。
- The ermA and ermC genes were amplified by PCR. PCR检测与诱导型克林霉素耐药相关的ermA、ermC基因。
- G-LCR detected ten-fold EBs than PCR. G -LCR较PCR敏感 10倍 ;
- Analyse the genotype of the target genes using PCR. 聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增目的基因进行基因型分析。
- C3d-P28 coding gene was amplified by PCR. 将PCR获得的补体C3d-P28 DNA序列以头尾串连的方式构建四聚体。
- PCR, when you need to solve a crime. 当你需要知道谁是孩子的爹时,
- Methods:Urease test and PCR were used. 方法:采用脲酶实验及PCR方法检测幽门螺杆菌。
- PCR products were sequenced and analyzed. PCR产物测序及分析。
- It is concordant with routine PCR method. 并与常规PCR法具有很好的一致性。
- For his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. (聚合酶链反应法的发明)。
- Cloning of S-locus gene by PCR walking in Brassica campestris L. PCR步行法克隆油菜自交不亲和基因。
- Help to establish scheduling system and SAP system in PCR area. 参加在轿车胎厂建立计划系统和运行SAP。
- RT PCR was performed for APN gene expression in liver tissue. (2 )APN表达 :根据兔APN基因cDNA序列设计引物 ,提取肝总RNA ,利用RT PCR方法 ,检测肝APNmRNA水平的变化。
- Rapid Production of Digoxigenin LabeledProbes by Hot Start PCR. 热启动PCR快速制备地高辛标记探针