- The physician fared well in practice. 那个医生的事业蒸蒸日上。
- He was attended by his personal physician. 他的私人医生护理他。
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。
- He has a good reputation as a physician. 他是位享有名的内科医师。
- Our corporation was formed in 1994. 我们的公司成立于1994年。
- Physicians who were on call for48 hours. 48小时随叫随到的医生们
- West Coast Corps is a large corporation. 西海岸公司是个大型公司。
- A physician who specializes in physical medicine. 理疗学家专攻物理治疗学的医生
- A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick. 医生的神圣职责就是治愈病人。
- A large, impersonal corporation. 一个没有人情味的大公司
- The physician prescribed him some medicine. 医生给他开了一些药。
- It takes brains to administer a large corporation. 管理大公司要有头脑。
- He landed a job in a large American corporation. 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。
- The corporation is rather awkwardly situated. 公司处境相当尴尬。
- My corporation banks with the Citicorp. 敝公司与花旗银行有往来。
- That big corporation tried to bribe the press to sit on the story. 那家大公司企图贿赂新闻界把这篇报道压下来。
- A physician who specializes in obstetrics. 产科医生一个专攻产科医学的医生
- It steamrollers for us to own and use PC's. 对我们来说,拥有并使用个人微机已成不可阻挡之势。
- Physicians Corporation 内科医师协会
- Several new members have come into this corporation. 这个公司又有新人员加入。