- Owada Masako 小和田雅子(1963-),日本人,德仁皇太子妃。
- President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963. 甘乃迪总统於一九六三在达拉斯遭暗杀。
- Qian. born in Shanghai in Sep. 1963. 钱睿哲:1963年9月生于上海。
- In a bar, Lee saves Masako from Shimizu Group. 由于他武功高强,被幕后老板清水昭文赏识并重用。
- He was born in Owensboro, Kentucky on June 9, 1963. 戴普是在1963年6月9日肯塔基州西北部的欧文斯伯勒一地出生。
- She started out on her legal career in 1963. 她于1963年干起了法律这一行。
- In 1963, this man, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 这个人; 马丁路德.
- Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963. 在1963年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
- He turned out 20 works in 1963 alone. 他1963年一年就写出了20篇作品。
- I got to know him in the autumn of 1963. 我是在一九六三年秋天认识他的。
- Yao Wei was born in Hang Zhou in 1963. 姚惟,女,1963年出生,杭州人,祖籍上海。
- Junji Ito was born in Gifu prefecture in 1963. 伊藤润二于1963年在日本岐阜县出生。
- In 1963, revocation of county troupes. 1963年,撤销各县剧团。
- U.S. senator (from 1963).Born in Brookline, Mass. 美国参议员(自1963年起)。
- Chi Wenching,was born in 1963 in Fujian Province. 画家池文清,生于1963年,福建人。
- She stepped down13 as director of the Royal Ballet in 1963. 1963年她辞去英国皇家芭蕾舞团团长一职。
- The first liquid laser was operated in January of 1963. 第一个液体激光器是在1963年1月运转的。
- The lucky break came from an unexpected quarter in 1963. 这种好运于1963年在一个料想不到的地方出现了。
- Prominent were Burke's Peerage and the 1963 Who's Who. 伯克编的《贵族姓名录》和1963年《名人录》放在突出的地方。
- As early as 1963,the Chinese government issued a statement. 早在1963年,中国政府就发表声明。