- Elite among the ethnic Chinese and the well-known leaders of the overseas Chinese in Myanmar 缅甸华裔精英与知名侨领
- Overseas Chinese in Myanmar 缅甸华人
- The company was established by an overseas Chinese in 1991. 这家公司是于1991年由海外华侨建立的。
- Overseas Chinese?s important role in Burmese industrialization can be attributed to the mobility of the Chinese society in Myanmar since they were not bound by agriculture and earth, their sensitivity to the market as emigrant economy and their modernity. 华侨在缅甸工业化中能够扮演重要的角色 ,得益于缅华社会较大的流动性 ,华侨没有土地、农业、人身的束缚 ,以及华侨经济作为移民经济对市场的敏感性和华侨具有较强的现代性。
- Kenneth Lo is an outstanding representative among the overseas Chinese in Chinese cuisine industry. 摘要罗孝建是海外华人中餐业者的杰出代表。
- A Letter to American Senators and Congressmen From Overseas Chinese in Washington D.C. 大华盛顿地区侨胞致美国参、众议员的一封信。
- Chinesewings. Com This is a good news web for overseas Chinese in Netherlands and Europe. 中文荷兰和世界新闻
- We are dedicated to evangelizing more than 1.3 billion Chinese in China and over 63 million overseas Chinese worldwide. 我们委身于向中国13亿以上的华人及全球超过6千3百万的海外华侨传福音。
- In addition, TNC is working for the Chinese in the number of returned overseas Chinese and also increasing. 另外,正为跨国公司工作的海外华人和归国华人的人数也在不断增加。
- Huang Menwen's puzzlement was the experience of overseas Chinese in Singapore's multi-culture. 黄孟文文化选择的困境是华裔在新加坡多元文化生态中的必然遭遇。
- Jane Hanson of overseas Chinese in promoting China's peaceful reunification process will certainly be a great role and great expectations. 简汉生对海外侨胞在推动中国和平统一大业过程中的巨大作用也予以肯定并寄予厚望。
- This article will analyze the rise of Pan-Malayan Islamic Party and its policies, and probe into the influence of Pan-Malayan Islamic Party among Overseas Chinese in Malaysia. 本文主要通过分析马来西亚伊斯兰教党的崛起及其政策走向 ,探讨伊斯兰教党的发展壮大对马来西亚华人社会的影响。
- This two-meter high wooden carving of the Bodhisattva Kuanyin dates from the Sung Dynasty. It belongs to Chen Che-ching, an overseas Chinese in the U.S. 图:这座宋代木雕观音像高二公尺馀,是旅美华侨陈哲敬先生的珍藏,虽不属石雕范围,但由于造型绝美,极其珍贵,因此一并展出。
- Siam time for the important populations of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary thought and the royalist Kangliang ideological struggle is fierce. 清光绪二十九年(1903),因惩办受招抚的巨盗陆显(又名阿发)而被革职查办,等候奉准正法。
- One thing that never changes is our passion and commitment to evangelize more than 1.3 billion Chinese in China and over 63 million overseas Chinese worldwide in this generation. 然,唯一不变的乃是我们致力于在现今的时代向中国13亿以上的华人及全球6千3百万的海外华侨传福音的热忱及委身。
- Mosques and schools in Myanmar are shut down arbitrarily. 在缅甸清真寺和学校被强制关闭。
- And the last one was held in Myanmar in 1953, said Ariyadasa. 他表示,第一届佛教理事会在佛陀涅槃后不久举行。
- This paper will analyze the policy of Cambodian government towards the overseas Chinese, as well as the opportunity, challengeand countermeasure of the overseas Chinese in the new century. 本文拟在评价柬埔寨华侨华人基本情况的基础上 ,着重对世纪之交柬埔寨政府的华侨华人政策及华侨华人面临的发展机遇和挑战做些分析
- The presence of this species in Myanmar requires confirmation. 在缅甸的本种的存在需要确认。
- In the new millennium, Phoenix TV presented a full -length documentary "China Town" , which explores the life of overseas Chinese in the form of documentary for the first time and has made a great success both in the art sense and in the market share. 进入新千年,凤凰卫视制作播出了大型电视纪录片《唐人街》,首次以纪录片形式透视了海外华人的生存境况,在艺术与市场上都取得了巨大成功。