- He has been up to his eyes in work recently. 他近来工作极忙。
- He has been up to the eyes in work recently. 他近来工作极忙。
- I'm up to my ears in work at the moment. 我现在工作忙极了。
- Though nearly 50, he was exceptionally vigorous in work. 别看他快五十岁了,工作却是雷厉风行。
- I can't possibly come out tonight, I'm up to my neck in work. 今晚我不可能出来,我的工作忙得不可开交。
- The boss is up to the eyes in work. 老板的工作忙得不可开交。
- I spent some time in working over these books. 我花了一些时间去好好研究这些书籍。
- In work with this cloth, be sure to allow for shrinking. 用这种布缝衣,务必考虑到洗後会缩水。
- I cannot go out tonight because I'm up to the ears in work. 今晚我不能出去,因为我工作忙得不可开交。
- I cannot go out tonight because I'm up to my ears in work. 今晚我不能出去,因为我工作忙得不可开交。
- He is more interested in the turf than in working. 他对赛马比对工作更有兴趣。
- The computer is in working order. 这台计算机工作正常。
- He gloried in working for a good cause. 他因自己为正义事业工作而自豪。
- I have no time for a holiday; I'm up to my ears in work at the moment. 我没有时间度假,眼下我工作忙得不可开交。
- The company has three films in work right now. 那公司目前有三部影片正拍摄中。
- She sometimes takes in work to do at home. 有时,她接活在家里干。
- Such a bomb would generate 25psi overpressure in the shock wave, followed by winds of 500 mph. 这种炸弹的冲击波会产生25psi的超压,随之而来的是500 mph的风暴。
- The aim is to find meaning and enjoyment in work. "其目的是从工作中发现意义,找到乐趣。"
- A rise or drop in barometric pressure is a possible cause of vacuum or overpressure in a tank. 大气压升高或降低可能导致罐内产生真空或超压。
- Rupture disks relieve overpressure in cylinders that may result from an external fire or from overfilling. 破裂盘释放钢瓶内可能源于外部着火或过量灌装的过多的压力。