- These trees gave a high yield of fruit this year. 这些果树今年获得了大丰收。
- The apple trees gave a high yield last quarter. 上个季度苹果产量很高。
- Capital Guarantee Vs High Yield? 资本保证对高息票据?
- High yield cultivation technology of Pyrus L. 梨树丰产栽培技术。
- The trees gave a high yield this year. 这棵果树今年生产的产量高。
- Very marginal in?ows into US high yield funds. 流入美国高收益基金的资金相当少。
- The process is simpler with high yield of BBP. 该工艺简单,产率高。
- Scientists win prize for high yield rice. 培育高产量稻种,科学家获奖。
- High Yield market performs strongly. 高收益市场表现强劲。
- Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over high heat. 在一只大的不粘锅中高火加热一大汤匙油。
- Small in?ows in US high yield funds. 流入美国高收益率基金的资金较少。
- You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. 你毫不费劲地飞越高山幽谷,
- High yield pearl luster agent, easily pumpable. 高光泽珠光剂,易泵运。
- High yield spreads fell from 224 bps to 204 bps. 高收益债券息差由224个基点回落至204个基点。
- What thing is hematin? Had been jumped over higher? 血色素是什么东西啊?越高越好吗?
- High yield bonds weak as equities fall sharply. 由于股市大幅下跌,高收益债券表现疲弱。
- High yield spreads fell from 227 bps to 224 bps. 高收益债券息差自227个基点跌至224个基点。
- Fill a 4qt stockpot with water, set it over high heat, bring to a boil. 1深锅内加水大半满,置于大火上,待烧开(煮滚)。
- Bring remaining 28 ounces stock to a boil in a medium saucepan over high heat. 把剩下的28盎司干菜加水在中号炖锅中用高火煮沸。
- You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. You really see the shape of the land. 你不费吹灰之力便翱翔在高山幽谷之上。你能真正地看到大地的形态。