- This is the important background where San Su's prose writings and Ouyang Xiu's literary renovation in traditional prose-writings can be blended in well with their mutual literary perspectives. 这是三苏文章与欧阳修古文革新思想合拍的重要背景。
- First, based on the analysis of the rise of Song Learning, recounts Ouyang Xiu"s academic thought. 首先在对宋学兴起作了分析的基础上,综述了欧阳修的学术思想。
- Ouyang Xiu is a very important character in the history of Chinese literature. 欧阳修是中国文学史上一位举足轻重的人物。
- It surveys the forcing action of demotion to Ouyang Xiu"s landscape literary writings with rational sight, opening out the profound infection of Ouyang Xiu"s landscape literary achievements. 第四部分跳出文本,以理性的目光审视“贬谪”这一人生经历对欧阳修的山水文学创作所起的推动作用,揭示欧阳修取得山水文学成就的深刻原因。
- Sellars''s prose is elegant and slightly reminiscent of her subject''s... 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。
- Ouyang Xiu's theory about calligraphy is an integral part of his entire literary theory. 摘要欧阳修关于书法的理论很值得重视,是欧阳修整个文艺理论与审美体系中不可或缺的一部分。
- Like many other poor children, Ouyang Xiu became a learned scholar by sheer hard work. 欧阳修像中国古代许多穷人子弟一样,全靠苦读成才。
- Ouyang Xiu and Zhao Mingcheng have made great contribution to the foundation and development of epigraphy. 欧阳修、赵明诚为金石学的创立和发展作出了巨大贡献。
- Ci and Ouyang Xiu will be Su, Liu Yong, Xin Qiji, such as the word for the comparison study found a series of valuable conclusions. 将苏词与欧阳修、柳永、辛弃疾等的词作进行比较研究,得出了一系列有价值的结论。
- The culture quality of Zang Kejia"s prose came from his cultivation in language, tradition and humanism spirits. 臧克家散文的文化品位来源于他的语言品位、传统修养和人格精神。
- Ouyang Xiu was a great master of literature and history, and a cyclopaedic leading authority in academy who would be glorious for thousands of years. 摘要欧阳修是光耀千古的文学巨匠、史学大师和百科全书式的学术泰斗。
- Xu wei"s prose; characteristics; historical origins; historical status; periodization;form; emotion; tension. 18徐渭散文;特色;渊源;地位;分期;情感;形式;张力
- Northern Song Dynasty writer, historian Ouyang Xiu, a poet, calligrapher Huang Tingjian, philosopher Shao Yong has this tour. 北宋文学家、史学家欧阳修,诗人、书法家黄庭坚,哲学家邵雍曾多次到此游览。
- In style, he possessed both Su's (Su Shi) unrestrainedness and Ou's (Ouyang Xiu) expressiveness, at the same time he was aware of the redundancy and the weakness of both writers. 在文章风格上,他既发扬了苏轼的纵横奔逸之气,又不乏欧阳修的悠然宛转之风,同时还与苏文之空疏、欧文之冗弱保持一定的距离。
- The paper reviews Dong, Qiao"s prose, and finds that its cultural nostalgia yearns for exquisite cultural tradition, which ranges over Chinese culture and western culture. 纵观董桥散文,其文化乡愁就是对精致文化传统的留恋,这种文化范围涵盖中西;
- Abstract :Ouyang Xiu,the great litterateur, statesman and historian in the Northern Song Dynasty, paid attention to the education extremely and formed his own education idea. 内容摘要 :北宋伟大的文学家、政治家、史学家欧阳修对教育问题十分关注,形成了自己的教育思想。
- Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072) was not only an outstanding writer and historian in the Northern Song Dynasty, but also a pre-eminent horticulturist in ancient China. 摘要欧阳修(1007-1072)不仅是我国宋代杰出的文学家、史学家,也是杰出的园艺学家。
- Mingseng with contemporary Ouyang Xiu Qi Song, once expressed his destiny view: ""Taishi ", saying: 'days as the self-FTV days listening to the people themselves to listen to. 而宋儒的正统之辨与前代相比有一个很大的不同之处,那就是除了大一统的政治前提之外,特别强调道德认同。
- At last, spreading out, brings to light the contribution that Ouyang Xiu and Lu Ling scholars made to the development of academic thought in the middle of the Bei Song Dynasty. 最后铺展到面,揭示了欧阳修与庐陵学人对北宋中期学术思想发展之贡献。
- After Ouyang Xiu's demotion and banishment to Chuzhou, Monk Zhixian of Langya had a roadside pavilion built by the side of Brewer's Spring so that Ouyang Xiu could stop there to take a rest and to enjoy the surrounding scenery. 欧阳修被贬滁州时,琅玡山上的和尚智仙,在山中酿泉旁建亭,作为欧阳修游览休息的地方。