- From that moment our fate was sealed(= our future was decided). 从那时起我们的命运就已经注定了。
- Our fate was sealed. 我们的命运是上天注定的
- His fate was sealed by her testimony. 她的证言决定了他的命运。
- Our fates are inextricably joined. 我们的命运是不可分地连结在一起的。
- Though Thrawn's fate was sealed at the end of the novel series, he continued to make other appearances as his popularity gained momentum. 虽然索龙的命运在小说的结尾就已确定,但由于他的人气越来越旺,因此他继续在其它作品里出现。
- Narrator: And his fate was sealed, as promised, Ares rescued his new disciple, bringing forth the power of a god, destroying those who would slaughter Kratos and his men. 讲述者:“现在他的命运已经被牢牢地锁住了,就像他承诺的那样,阿瑞斯拯救了他的新信徒,展示了一个神祗的实力,摧毁了那些试图屠杀克瑞托斯及其部属的野蛮人。”
- The economic downturn began turning people against the president, but his fate was sealed when he reintroduced the molesting social controls that Iranians considered ancient history. 经济的衰退使得人们转而开始反对总统,但真正决定他命运的,是他恢复了伊朗人视为古代史的严厉社会控制。
- The tube was sealed off by fusing the material together. 管子以熔合管端的方法封闭起来了。
- The idea that everyone in America has an equal chance,that our fates are not determined by accidents of birth,is one of our core values. 每一个美国人都是机会均等的,命运不由出身来决定--这个概念是美国人的核心价值观之一。
- The order was sealed with the king's signet. 这一命令是用国王的印记加封的。
- We must learn to be masters of our fate, not slaves to it. 我们应作命运的主宰,不要作命运的奴隶。
- The fate of the Zephyr was sealed only moments after the attack. 西风号的悲惨命运,在受到攻击之后不久,便已经注定了。
- We must learn to be masters ofi our fate, not slaves to it. 我们应作命运的主宰,不要作命运的奴隶。
- Our fate now depended upon victory in the air. 我们的命运现在取决于能否赢得空战的胜利。
- His fate was closely entwined with her. 他和她的命运紧密相连。
- The court met to decide our fate(s). 法院开庭以决定我们的命运.
- Fate was kind to the helpless baby. 这个无依无靠的婴儿命里注定不该死。
- Envy may dissatisfy us with our fate. 嫉妒会使我们对自己的命运感到不满。
- The motion was sealed by the parliament. 该项协议获得了国会的批准。
- Envy may dissatisfy us with our fate . 嫉妒会使我们对自己的命运感到不满。