- This is to introduce Mr. Wang Jun. 兹介绍王军先生。
- Lu Chih was a native of Suchou, Kiangsu. 陆治(西元一四九六-一五七六年),明吴县(今江苏苏州)人。
- Another victory led by Deng Jun. 在邓军领导下取得了又一个胜利。
- JUN originally, dismissal of HOT, mood very bad. JUN本来就因为HOT的解散,心情非常不好。
- Ou Chuliang is the goalie for Shen Hua. 区楚良是申花队的守门员。
- The canonical name of the OU should be specified. 应指定OU的规范名称。
- I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here! 我告诉他们我有幽闭症,我必须出去!
- Ma Jun and Hu Shan are in the park, too. 马军和胡山也在公园里。
- The one who comes to Me, I will never cast ou t. 到我这里来的人,到我这里来的,我总不丢弃他。
- Oh, she's my friend Li Jun's sister. 哦,她是我的朋友李军的妹妹。
- The OU or the domain can be specified. 可以指定OU或域。
- I'll have to meet my friend Li Jun at the airport. 我得去机场接我的朋友李军。
- Ou can make shipment in September. 我想知道你们能否在九月份装运。
- It's very nice of you to say so, Zhang Jun. 谢谢,张军。
- Ou ready to change the way you live? 现在就开始,改变你的生活,你准备好了吗?
- What can I do for you, Zhang Jun? 张军,我能帮你什么吗?
- Ou trust him? Wake up and smell the coffee! 你信任他?清醒点吧!
- The Ou Embroidery Workshop on the Drum Tower. 位于市区谯楼的瓯绣工作室。
- Little Jun says: This stone doesn't belong to you! 小军:这块石头不属于你的啦!
- Liu Jun is sometimes late for school. 刘军有时上学迟到。