- Orostachys erubescensn. 晚红瓦松
- Arisaema erubescens (Wall.) Schott. 天南星
- Orostachys fimbriatus(Turcz.)Berg. 瓦松
- Orostachys japonicus(Maxim.)Berg. 瓦花
- Orostachys spinosus(L.) C.A.Mey. 黄花瓦松
- Once had a vivid memory in the space flight near 12 day-long Trigg orostachys fimbriatus to the outer space time. 曾在太空飞行近12天的特里格瓦松对太空时光记忆犹新。
- The Trigg orostachys fimbriatus in September, 1945 was born in Iceland, in August, 1997 entered the outer space while the US aerospace craft. 特里格瓦松1945年9月出生于冰岛,1997年8月乘美国航天飞机进入太空。
- The experiment of killing Oncomlania hupensis with the soaking liquid of Arisaema erubescens Schott mixing with streptomycete were investigated in greenhouse. 天南星水浸液及其与链霉菌稀释液配伍,用于灭螺实验,结果显示,天南星具有很强的灭螺效果,不同部位的灭螺效果为:根>叶>茎。
- Definition: Jackinthepulpit Tuber is the dried tuber of Arisaerna erubescens (Wall.) Schott., Arisaema heterophyllum Bl. or Arisaerna amurense Maxim. (Fam.Araceae). 本品为天南星科植物天南星 Arisaema erubescens (Wall.;) Schott
- Arisaema erubescens Schott. 天南星
- To understand the effects of extracts from Arisaema erubescens Schott against oncomelania hupensis.[Methods]Extracts were gained by sequential extractio from different organic solvents . 了解天南星块茎各种有机溶剂提取物的灭螺效果。[方法]不同有机溶剂的连续系统提取法获得提取物,并将提取物以水浸法用于杀螺实验。
- Orostachys cartilaginea A.Bor. 狼爪瓦松
- Orostachys fimbriatus Berg. 瓦松
- Orostachys japonicus Berg. 瓦花
- Orostachys spinosus C.A.Mey. 黄花瓦松
- Arisaema erubescens ( Wall.) Schott 天南星
- fimbriate orostachys herb extractive 瓦松提取物
- Killing Effect of Arisaema erubescens Schott and Its Mixing with Streptomycete on Oncomelania hupensis 及其与链霉菌配伍灭螺效果
- Tissue culture for rapid propagation of Dieffenbachia amoena cv.Green Sea and Philodendron erubescens cv.Emerald King 碧海万年青和绿大帝蔓绿绒的离体繁殖