- Original British Consulate 原英国领事馆
- Dear British Consulate General Shanghai. 英国上海领事馆签证处
- A young Chinese woman enters the British Consul's Office. 一位年轻的中国妇女步入英国领事处。
- He was acting British consul in Geneva for 11 years. 他作为驻日内瓦代理英国领事已经11年了。
- Welcome address by Brian Davidson, British Consul General Guangzhou. 英国驻广州总领事戴伟绅先生致欢迎辞。
- Richard Everitt, Assistant Director of Cultural and Education Section, British Consulate General. 英国驻沪总领馆文化教育处助理主任。
- The British Consulate prefers to see the historical provenance of money intended to cover the costs of your course. 我们希望看到您用来支付学费的资金的历史来源。
- The British Consulate staff prefer not to assess levels of English Language Proficiency with student visa applications. 英国领事馆的工作人员不会通过学生签证材料来评估学生的英语水平。
- Doris Lessing is one of the most original British female writers in the twentieth century. 多丽丝·莱辛是二十世纪最负盛名的英国女作家之一。
- We have therefore introduced new advisory sessions with an Entry Clearance Officer from the British Consulate. 因此英国领事馆的签证官员推出了新的咨询项目。
- There will be Dutch subtitles that you can use, but all the voices will be in original British English! 你可以使用荷兰语字幕,但是所有的语音都是英语!
- This year the British Consulate are asking that applications are made 6-8 weeks in advance of travel. 今年我们正逐渐要求申请人在其启程前6-8周递交签证申请。
- Tens of thousands of Jews marched before the house of the British Consul at Odessa at the time. 当时几万犹太人在敖德萨英国领事官邸外游行。
- Dr Julia Knights, Science and Innovation Consul at the British Consulate urged journalists to enter the competition and thanked them for attending. 日。英国领事馆科技领事那琼博士感谢媒体同仁的出席并力邀他们投稿参赛。
- After making a series of etchings for Joseph Smith, who was to be the British consul in Venice, he apparently never touched an etching pen again. 在为即将出任英国驻威尼斯领事的约瑟夫·史密斯创作了一系列蚀刻画以后,他显然再未接触过蚀刻笔。
- This site is maintained by the Press Public Affairs Team of the British Embassy in Beijing and British Consulate Generals in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing. 本网站由英国驻华大使馆和英国驻上海、广州、重庆总领事馆的新闻及公共事务处共同维护。
- Several days later, the HSBC Bank building in Istanbul was bombed. Explosions also rocked the British consulate, killing at least 25 people and wounding about 400. 数天之后,位于伊斯坦布尔的汇丰银行大厦发生爆炸,至少造成25人死亡、400人受伤。爆炸事件震惊了驻伊斯坦布尔的英国领事馆。
- American English, which originated from early British English, was created by both the original British colonists and a large number of immigrants. 美语起源于早期的英式英语,是由英国殖民者及大量的移民所共同创造的语言成果。
- Seg L=EN-US>The Park of Maxian Hill is made up of the Museum of Ship Administration Elite, Branch of British Consulate, Meiyuan Prison, Zhongpo Emplacement, etc.. 马限山园主要由船政精英馆、英国领事分馆、梅园监狱、中坡炮台等景点组成。
- After two days in the Shayang dock, Dad set out with two other foreigners to find the telegraph office and send word to the British consulate in Hankow. 在沙洋码头二天后,爸爸和二个外国人一起开始寻找电报局并向汉口的英国领事发报。