- Research on water preservation effect of garden soil with different organic manure content 不同有机质含量的菜园土保水效果研究
- Organic manure content 有机肥含量
- The nitrate content in turnip was reduced, while soil organic matter content in the rhizosphere was significantly increased by using organic manure. 施用有机肥料萝卜的硝酸盐含量明显下降,当季作物收获后根际土壤有机质含量明显提高。
- The effect of organic manure on microbial numbers, enzyme activities and available phosphate content in rice rhizosphere was studied on red soil by using the rhizobox proposed by Youseff and Chino. 利用根际箱在红壤上研究了有机肥对水稻根际有效磷、根际微生物和土壤酶活性的影响。
- But the manure contents may not be what a crop needs. 但肥料中也可能含有作物所不需要的养分。
- However, potato can benefit from application of organic manure at the start of a new rotation. 然而,在开始新一茬轮作时施用有机肥可以使马铃薯受益。
- Study on nitrogen, phosphorus and organic manure fertilization recommendation of Bupleurum chinense DC. 柴胡氮、磷和有机肥施肥效应分析。
- Since the crops would need a lot less water when organic manure is used, the chronic water shortage in the area can be solved. 因为使用有机肥料,农作物需要的水量变少了,长期以来的缺水问题就能解决了。
- Application of organic manure can increase the activities of Sucrase, Phosphatase, Urase insoil. 有机肥的施用可以提高土壤耕层转化酶、磷酸酶和脲酶活性。
- All these results could provided an important reference for the rational application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer. 这些试验结果为有机无机肥料的合理施用提供了参考依据。
- Through the inquisition and analyze with measurement, check out the quantity, quality and distribution of organic manure in Gansu province. 通过调查研究和测定分析,查清了甘肃有机肥资源数量、量和分布。
- Unbalanced fertilization was the key reason for NO3-N accumulation, reasonably fertilization, organic manure and NPK could reduce the NO3-N residual. 不平衡施肥是引起土壤NO3-N大量累积的重要原因,施用有机肥以及NPK合理配合施用可明显地减少土壤NO3-N的残留。
- However, when the available P was excessive in soil, the input of organic manure had to be quantified according to the input of P from organic manure. 有机肥施用于新菜田应考虑“以氮定量”的原则,而施用于土壤有效磷过量累积的老菜田,应采取“以磷定量”原则,来控制有机肥中的磷素投入;
- Dehydration feces of livestock various functions will be separated into liquid organic manure fertilizer and solid organic fertilizer. 粪便脱水机能将各种禽畜原粪水分离为液态有机肥和固态有机肥。
- Fertilization with NP plus foliar feed leads to lower phosphatase activity than fertilization with organic manure plus foliar feed. 施化肥+叶面肥处理土壤磷酸酶活性比施有机肥+叶面肥处理降低;
- MOA planned to extend the hectareage of green manure to 8.3 million, to get the organic manure consumption to a total of 2.3 billion t or so. 农业部计划到1995年使绿肥发展到1.;25亿亩左右,有机肥施用总量达到23亿吨左右。
- Applying straw and organic manure could prevent soil acidification, and enhance the availability of soil nutrients and utilization efficiency of fertilizers. 施用有质物还可防止土壤酸化,提高土壤的养分的有效性和肥料的利用率。
- The results show that organic manure has great effect on soil instant phosphorus.The effect of organic manure on soil instant phosphorus is different with its C/P. 试验结果表明,施用有机肥对旱地红壤的速效磷有显著影响,并且有机肥对土壤速效磷的影响随其C/P比不同而不同。
- Combined application of 50%CRNF with organic manure (Sewage sludge) increased bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in soil as compared with treatment CRNF or urea. 周年土壤细菌、放线菌数量明显高于尿素处理,真菌数量略低于尿素处理。
- Organic manure with different characteristics could be mixed to apply for satisfying the nutrient demand of plant in most growth period, in order to reduce environmental risk. 根据不同有机肥的氮磷释放特点的差异,可搭配施用不同比例和类型有机肥,以满足作物主要生育期的养分需求,减少环境污染的风险。