- Ordos Inverted Trough 河套倒槽
- The heavy fogs of Shangqiu are formed by the weather situations: continental anticyclone,warm zone in front of cold front,uniform pressure field,and low pressure with an inverted trough. 商丘市的大雾多形成在大陆高压型、冷锋前暖区型、均压场型、(低压)倒槽型天气形势中。
- It plays an important role in stimulating the convection that the weak cold air intrudes the area of the inverted trough, and conduce to warm frontogenesis, thus leading to the heavy storm. 西风带弱冷空气侵入台风北伸倒槽后,在黄淮之间有明显的暖锋锋生特征,是触发倒槽区域中尺度对流发展和暴雨产生的重要动力机制。
- tropical cyclone inverted trough 热带气旋倒槽
- Some horses were drinking at a trough. 有些马在水糟边饮水。
- The chairs were inverted on the table. 椅子被倒置过来放在了桌子上。
- The chair is inverted on the table. 椅子倒放在桌子上。
- For years he has been smuggling watches trough customs. 许多年来,他一直在非法走私手表。
- She catch the insect by invert her cup over it. 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了。
- Inverted trough of typhoon 台风倒槽
- inverted trough 台风倒槽
- Atlas of mesozoic reservoirs in ordos basin II. 鄂尔多斯盆地中生界储层图册2。
- So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough. 她迅速地把水罐里的水统统倒进水槽。
- They passed trough the village yesterday evening. 他们昨天晚上路过这个村子。
- Do you remember me?orDo you remember who I am? 还记得我是谁吗?
- It gives you back everything you say ordo. 你所说的做的每一件事最后都会回应到你身上,
- A trough or flume used in washing ore. 槽洗机洗矿用的水槽或流槽
- A trough fixed under or along the eaves for draining rainwater from a roof. 檐槽把雨水从房顶排走的水槽,装在屋檐边或檐下
- The trough is the lowest level of the cycle. 谷底是整个周期的最低点。
- He forgot to set his speech in inverted commas. 他忘了把他说的话加上引号。