- Ordnance Safety Switch 武器保险开关
- How many cigarette salesman? Their products kill more people every year than mine, at least mine has a safety switch. 每年死在抽烟上比死在武器上多得多,但是他们还不是照样卖?我卖的枪至少还带保险。
- The lamp is so wired that when the main safety switch is turned on ,the motor blower automatically operates to circulate the air in the lamp housing. 灯的连接情况是这样:当主安全开关接通时,电机吹风机便自动工作,使灯罩内的空气环流起来。
- When provided with a safety switch, the appliance switch become a two-stage protection appliance switch. 当,假设与保险开关,装置开关成为一个两阶段保护装置开关。
- Explosive Ordnance Safety Approval 爆炸物安全核准
- How many car salesmen talk about their work huh? How many cigarette salesmen? Both their products kill more people every year than mine. At least mine has a safety switch. 卖车的会告诉你开车有危险?卖香烟的会告诉你吸烟会死?每年他们的商品比我的害死更多人起码我的商品还有个保险栓呢。
- Missile Explosive Ordnance Safety Advisory Board 导弹爆炸物安全咨询委员会
- Aviation Ordnance Safety Supervisor 航空军械安全检察官
- If a cylinder ejector must be used, incorporate a proximity safety switch and use non-ferrous materials where it enters the die, or it must be of positive return design. 如果必须使用汽缸,使用一个移接近的安全开关,并在其进入模具的部分使用不含铁的材料,或者在设计上它能合理的返回。
- It is controlled by micro-computer.Automatically balanced,brushless electricity machine avoid maintenance,no carbon pollution,with safety switch,overspeed,imbalanced alarm. 采用微电脑控制,自动平衡,无刷电机驱动,免维护,无碳粉污染,带安全开关,超速、不平衡报警。
- How many car salesmen talk about their work, huh? How many cigarette salesmen? Both their products kill more people every year than mine. At least mine has a safety switch. 卖车的会告诉你开车有危险?卖香烟的会告诉你吸烟会死?每年他们的商品比我的害死更多人,起码我的商品还有个保险栓呢。
- The safety switch controlling the ignition circuit in gas engine and flameout magnetic valve in diesel engine is used in air brake system to realize the automatic protect. 为保证车辆的安全运行,在气压制动系统中施加安全保护开关,控制发动机的点火电路(汽油机)或熄火电磁阀电路(柴油机),可实现低气压时的自动保护。
- But the door had already passed the safety switch, causing the machine to re-start and the mold partially closed as a result of failures in both components (electrically and mechanically) of the interlock system. 但是门已经通过了安全开关,导致机器重启,模子由于互锁系统的双控(电子控制和机械控制)同时瘫痪而部份关闭。
- She worked in an ordnance factory during the war. 战争期间她在一家兵工厂工作。
- A minimum of two safety switches must be installed on all progressive dies to probe for proper strip advancement and part out detection. 在所有连续模中至少安装两个安全检测开关去检测料带是否正确送进以及产品是否脱落。
- Safety switches or interlock devices are used with all automatic transmissions and on many late-model cars with manual transmissions. 安全开关或者互锁装置在所有的自动排挡或手动排挡的汽车上都有应用。
- When the chamber lid opens and closes there is danger of getting squashed. This is safeguarded by a safety door and a safety switching contact. 当开或关气室门时;注意不要夹住手.;这一点的安保是由安全门和安全开关触头来实现的
- The MICROSCAN is a very compact PLC for the supervision and memorization of operation and safety switches of combustion equipment. MICROSCAN是非常紧凑的PLC监控系统并能够记忆燃烧设备的操作和安全开关的状态。
- It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her. 他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。
- EDual safety switch to ensure safety 双安全开关,确保使用安全