- We should adopt them in our oral English class. 我们应该在我们的英语口语课堂上采纳它们。
- From: Sam, a respectful sophomore student of yours in Oral English Class Two. 来自:一个尊敬你的,二年级英语口语2班学生萨姆。
- He argued that the oral English class could be conducted in another way. 他论证英语口语课可以采用另一种方法进行。
- I like oral English class because no exam! I say yeah you are right. And I really agree with you. We have something in common. 学生们各抒己见,当然我允许他们用汉语。大多数同学对英语口语课有很好地认识。有的同学说。
- The common problem in college students' oral English class is that students are reluctant to participate in the activities. 在非英语专业口语课堂上,学生不积极参与交际活动是一个非常普遍的问题。
- I talk with many foreigns and during this I practise my oral English ,and in my opinion talk with a native American for half an hour is better than have one week English class. 我和许多外国朋友交流来提高我的英语口语水平,在我看来,与外国人交谈半个小时的效果要远比上一个礼拜的课要好。
- Therefore, English teachers should pay full attention to students' classroom behaviors and take measures to enhance their motive to learn in oral English class. 因此,英语教师应充分注意学生的课堂表现,采取相应措施来提高他们在英语口语学习中的动机水平。
- The Teaching Method of Oral English Class 关于英语口语课教学方法的探讨
- Investigating an Oral English Class 一堂英语口语课调查
- My oral English is pretty rusty. 我的英语口语全荒废了。
- It points out the dc-authenticity when it comes to the compilation of some of the oral English textbooks, and then comments on some ineffective training methods in oral English classes. 本文指出目前一些口语教材的编写缺乏真实性,并对口语课上采用的某些训练方法提出了不同的看法,介绍了口语教材编写具备真实性所应遵循的原则;
- An application of an opening teaching mode in oral English class 开放性教学模式在英语口语课上的应用研究
- The Teaching Model of Pair Taping in College Oral English Class 大学英语口语对子录音教学模式
- She snatched at every chance to practice her oral English. 她把握一切机会练习英语口语。
- I'm preparing for the oral English test. 我在忙着准备英语口语考试。
- Well, I want to, but I am poor in oral English. 嗯,我是想请他讲慢点,可我的英语口语不好。
- We had a stiff test in the English class. 英语课上,我们进行了一场很难的考试。
- Completely fluent in both written and oral English. 英文书写对话流利。
- It is time to begin our English class. 该上我们的英语课了。
- Do you think oral English is important? 你认为英语口语重要吗?