- Objective:To study optimum planting density and sowing depth of Tulipa edulis. 目的:研究光慈菇最佳的人工栽培密度、深度等。
- Optimum plant density affects the use efficiency of crops production factors. To define it on peanut in Argentina we applied asymptotic model (Eq. 1). 种植密度是影响作物生产效率的关键因素之一,因此将渐近模型(方程1)应用到阿根廷的花生种植密度决策中。
- An optimum planting density must be employed to get a high yield, depending upon soil condition, varietal tillering ability, fertilizer level, number of plants per hill, and planting season. 获得高产必须采用最适植株密度,视土壤条件、品种分蘖力、肥力水平、每蔸苗数和播种季节而定。
- treatment designs to optimum plant density 最理想植株密度的处理设计
- The Optimum Planting Density of Mexico Maize Variety for Special Fresh Fodder 墨西哥专用青饲玉米最佳种植密度研究
- Determining Optimum Planting Density of Masson Pine Fast- growing and High-yielding Plantations forVarious Cultivation Objectives 马尾松速生丰产林不同培育目标的适宜造林密度
- Optimum planting density 种植密度
- optimum plant density 最佳植株密度
- Hole sowing and higher planting density were beneficial to silage maize. 高密度取穴播对提高青贮玉米产量有较好效果。
- Plant density have higher effect on ear characters than nitrogen application. 密度比施氮量对果穗穗部性状的影响更大些。
- Zero and reduced tillage should be included in future maximum yield research because it provides a way of obtaining optimum planting and increased yields at less cost. 将来的最高产量研究应包括免耕和少耕,因其提供了获得最佳播种和降低成本提高产量的途径。
- Irrigation status, nitrogenlevel,crop variety and planting density had no influence on A.flavi quantity in soil. 灌溉状况、施氮水平、作物品种和种植密度对土壤中黄曲霉数量没有影响。
- Conclusion: Reasonable planting density can improve the output and quality of saff lower crude drug. 结论:合理的种植密度可以提高红花药材的产量和品质。
- The planting density showed little impact on sapwood width, while it had highly significant effects on wetwood width. 栽植密度对边材宽度影响不大,而对湿心材宽度影响达极显著水平;
- Study on the initial planting density and its adjustment of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica Litvin. Artificial forest in the sand land. 沙地樟子松人工林初植密度及其调控研究。
- Effect of plant density and fertilizer application on plantain yield in two soils from Colombia with different natural fertility is shown (Table 2). 表2说明了在哥伦比亚的两种不同天然肥力土壤上种植密度及肥料用量对大蕉产量的影响。
- The results showed that the greenweight yield of silage maize in higher planting density were higher than low density in the same sowing patterns. 结果表明:相同的播种方式下,高密度下的青体产量大于低密度种植,单株青体产量相对较低;
- Cultivar selection and plant density had the greatest effect on increasing corn yields. 品种选择、密度、施肥量、灌溉、害虫防治、收获管理、生长调节剂等。
- Reasonable planting density and appropriate allocation of forests is to ensure normal growth, the efficiency of early and effective measures. 合理的造林密度和适宜的配置形式是保证林木正常生长、提早发挥效益的有效措施。
- The rate of the disease is directly connected with the plant density and the methods of cultivation. 苗期茎腐病的发病程度与核桃苗的栽植密度和苗圃地的耕作方式有直接关系.