- Use the Optimize method to create a new mesh with optimized data. 使用Optimize方法以优化数据创建新网格。
- A chaos optimization method is proposed for TSP. 针对tsp问题,提出了一种用于解决组合优化问题的混沌优化算法。
- Treat the optimal method of myopia? 治疗近视眼的最佳方法?
- Taking into account many restrict condition, found the math model of planning, design of the heuristic optimize method which was based on the minimal tree. 在考虑各种约束条件的情况下,建立的优化规划模型,设计了基于最小生成树的启发式网架优化搜索方法。
- By study the key technology and optimization method of ASP. NET 2.;0关键技术的研究;提出了利用ASP
- An optimizing method of laser parameters is propos ed. 对激光冲击强化过程中激光参数的选择进行了优化。
- Genetic algorithm is a constrained stochastic optimization method. 遗传算法是一种约束随机优化方法。
- This model uses continues wave testing method and Least squares method to revise model, and get Tianjin provice EV-DO model parameter.Paper provides optimize method aim at model result. 其中在模型校正的过程中使用了连续波(CW)测试方法和最小二乘法校正模型,得到天津市EV-DO模型参数,并针对仿真结果,论文给出了EV-DO网络的优化方法。
- This article adopts unidimensional optimization method to optimize the design, and optimum parameter can be attained. 本文采用一维寻优的方法,对条筒尺寸进行优化设计,确定其最佳工艺参数。
- It belongs to heuristic optimization methods. 该算法是一种启发式的搜索寻优方法。
- Optimization Methods to Improve Clas. 优化课堂教法提高教学效果。
- Conclusion HSG combined with H-LSC is the best optimal method in diagno... 结论子宫输卵管造影联合宫腹腔镜检查是目前诊断女性不孕症的最佳方法。
- Aerobic exercise is the optimal method for women attempting to lose weight. 有氧锻炼是女性减肥的最佳方式。
- What is treating whelk and the optimal method of the mark that eliminate speck? 治疗青春痘和除斑痕的最佳方法是什么?
- What is the optimal method that treats fungous hemangioma now excuse me? 请问现在治疗海绵状血管瘤的最佳方法是什么?
- This paper applied the optimizing method based on finite element method, whichis simple in operation and fast in speed, to optimize the modulators. 本论文首次采用基于有限元法的优化方法对两种电极结构的调制器进行优化设计,该优化方法具有操作简单,收敛速度快等特点。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- The hyperglycemic actiity of pancreatic extracts was encountered some 80 yr ago during efforts to optimize methods for the purification of insulin. 约80年前,在尝试优化胰岛素提纯技术的过程中人们发现胰腺提取液能引起高糖状态。
- The hyperglycemic activity of pancreatic extracts was encountered some 80 yr ago during efforts to optimize methods for the purification of insulin. 约80年前,在尝试优化胰岛素提纯技术的过程中人们发现胰腺提取液能引起高糖状态。
- With the high efficiency of global searching, the mutative scale chaos optimization method is introduced to optimize the parameters of ADRC. 为获得ADRC最佳参数,引入了具有全局快速搜索能力的变尺度混沌优化方法。