- Opinions vary on this point. 对这一点看法各异。
- As opinions vary on that point, no decision can be reached. 在那一点上, 大家意见纷纷, 莫衷一是。
- Opinions vary on the family life of the scientist. 有关这位科学家的家庭生活,众说纷纭。
- On this point my opinion diverges from yours. 在这一点上,我的意见与你的不同。
- I differ with him on this point. 这一点我和他的意见相左。
- I disagree with you on this point. 我不同意你的意见。
- The law is silent on this point. 在这一点上法律无明文规定。
- If there were time, I could dilate on this point. 要是有时间,我可对此加以详述。
- I am bound to say I disagree with you on this point. 我必须声明不同意你这一点。
- Opinions vary on that point. 就那个观点,意见有分歧。
- On this point there can be no dubiety. 在这一点上没有任何疑问。
- On this point Rebecca had her own opinion, and still kept up a good heart. 关于这一点,利蓓加有她自己的见解,并不觉得灰心。
- The clearest indicators of the future are the main lines of the palm, although opinions vary on what they represent. 尽管大家对掌纹所代表的含意众说纷纭,但能预测未来最清楚的主要标志是尺寸和掌纹突陷的形状。
- I was in complete sympathy with him on this point. 在这一点上,我与他的观点完全一致。
- If there are time,I can dilate on this point. 要是有时间,我可对此加以详述。
- My mind is divided on this point. 在这问题上我也拿不定主意。
- On this point I have never made any concessions. 这一点我任何时候都没有让过步。
- Now then, focus your attention on this point. 现在你把注意力放在这点上。
- On this point, the OECD is sceptical. 在这点上,经合组织持怀疑态度。
- If there is time,I can dilate on this point. 要是有时间,我可对此加以详述。