- Ophiophagus elaps 印度大眼镜蛇
- If 0, it will elaps to the next command. 听听听听听听听听听rem Opposite of binary rules.
- We can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and elap as they go by. 我们不可能都成为英雄。总得有人在英雄们走过时坐在路边鼓掌。
- Though the rate of harm of ophiophagus hannah is rather low, the mortality rate is very high. 眼镜王蛇伤在所有毒蛇伤中占的比例虽低,但其死亡率极高。
- Keywords Ophiophagus hannah;venom;phospholipase A 2;myotoxic activity; 眼镜王蛇;蛇毒;磷脂酶A_2;肌毒性;
- The Isolation and Charaterization of the Neurotoxic Fractions from Ophiophagus hannah Venom 福建产眼镜王蛇毒神经毒素的分离及活性测定
- Keywords Ophiophagus Hannah;neurotoxins;cardiotoxins;phylogenetic trees;nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs);whole-cell patch clamp; 眼镜王蛇;神经毒素;心脏毒素;系统发生树;乙酰胆碱受体;膜片钳;
- Elapsn. 眼镜蛇属;厉螨
- Ophiophagus hannahn. 眼镜王蛇
- Ophiophagusn. 眼镜王蛇属
- Guangxi Ophiophagus hannah 广西眼镜王蛇毒
- Ćelap 切拉普
- ELAP Emergency Legal Assistance Project 紧急事件法律援助计划
- The Evaluation of the Effect of Treatment in Combining Use of the Refined Antivenom of Naja Naja and Refined Antivenom of Bungarus Multicinctus on Patients With Ophiophagus Hannah Snake Bite 精制抗眼镜蛇毒血清与精制抗银环蛇毒血清并用治疗眼镜王蛇伤的疗效评价