- Operational Research Station 作战研究站
- Federal Research Station for Agronomy, Zurich ? 苏黎世农学研究站
- Operational Research is a newly emerging subject. 运筹学是一门新兴的学科。
- You will not get into this research station without a permit. 没有通行证你不能进入这座研究站。
- You won't get into the atomic research station without a permit. 你没有许可证不能进入原子研究站。
- He had picked it up from a research station in the desert the day before. 这是他前一天从沙漠地区的研究所取来的。
- In 1962 Cousteau set up a research station 35 feet below the surface. 1962年古斯多在海下35英尺的地方建立了一座研究站。
- Kunlun Station is also the third research station of China in Antarctica. 这也是中国建成的第三个南极科研考察站。
- Using a simplex method of linear programming in operational research ,we determinedthe optimal plan of turning amount. 采用运筹学中线性规划的单纯形法,确定了切削用量最优方案。
- University degree in Marketing, Mathematics, Statistics, Operational Research, Economics or any degree with quantitative components. 大学本科以上,市场营销、数学、统计学、运筹学或经济学等相关专业。
- There are7 undergraduate,10 graduate and2 doctoral specialties and1 postdoctoral mobile research station. 设有7个本科专业、10个硕士点、2个博士点和1个博士后流动站。
- Malmborg, Charles. Genetic Algorithm for Service Level Based Vehicle Scheduling[J]. European Journal of Operational Research,1996,Vol.93,No.1,p121-134. 李大卫,王莉,王梦光.;遗传算法在有时间窗车辆路径问题上的应用[J]
- There are two main vegetation types, alpine meadow and alpine shrub, in the region of the research station. 高寒草甸和高寒灌丛是海北站地区的两种主要的植被类型。
- PADMANABHAN G,VRAT P.EOQ models for perishable items under stock dependent selling rate[J].European Journal of Operational Research,1995,86:281-292. 罗兵熊中楷等.;存货影响销售率且理论需求为线性时变函数时的EOQ模型[J]
- The Zeppelin research station is situated on a mountain top approximately 1100km from the North Pole. 齐柏林研究站位于离北极约1100公里的一个山顶。
- Jean-Michel Collette.Sustainable Economic Development and Sustainable Energy Use.International Journal of Operational Research,Vol.4,N0.4. 北京市科学技术委员会.;可持续发展词语释义[M]
- Time came in 2009, I was front of the TV, watching China's third Antarctic research station completed in the news. 时光来到了2009年,我正在电视机前,收看着中国第三个南极科考站落成的新闻。
- BEYNON M.Reducts Within the Variable Precision Rough Sets Model:a Further Investigation[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2001,134:592-605. 米据生吴伟志张文修.;基于变精度粗糙集理论的知识约简方法[J]
- A column of schoolmaster snappers hovers near a support beam for the Aquarius research station near Florida Conch Reef. 佛罗里达州海螺大堡礁附近的水族研究工作站成立于1993年,在其水下支撑梁旁边,一排笛鲷靠着柱子游来游去。
- F.C.Dargam and E.W.Perz, “A Decision Support System for Power Plant Design,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 109, 1998, pp. 310-320. 陈伟星,“最少化与群组化整备策略在印刷电路板组装之研究”,元智大学工业工程与管理博士论文,2003年。